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Future thinking...
'bout the future.
I tell people
To stay in the present;
I portray the advice
As some providence -
And it is...
The future
Is scary.
I'm done with the flowery words,
I try so hard to win all these awards,
Stack them up hoping to amass hoards
Of pieces of paper and metals saying
That I'm the kind of person they want to stay in
Whatever post I'm aiming.
Future thinking
Gets my chest uneasy -
It grips my soul
Because I'm supposed to be old
But it's rough.
To make a decision like this
It doesn't even happen with ease
Dad would definitely swallow it with displease
If I said what I really wanted do with my life.
But right now I'm in this strife:
He claims that I should play it smart.
That doctor or mathematician is the start
So at least I have some money to depart -
But I'm worried of being another stat
Of uni students spiraling into depression
Because they're doing something against their heart's concession...
And everything I've been gorging on...
Everything I've been gorging on
Says the opposite.
But still he's forging onwards.
I can't use my wordy swords -
Because they're not sharpened fine:
Need more time -
But there's no time;
Future thinking
Is nearing
Present thinking.

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