Chapter 4: When Fates Collide

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Voices. Voices. Why do you hear voices? Too many voices. Not enough that you know.

You hear a woman crying and a man talking to someone among other barely distinguishable voices.

"I don't know what happened. She just... collapsed."

"How did this happen?"

"Is she dead?"

"Someone call an ambulance!"

"Oh lord, Nepeta..."

Feferi. That's Feferi. Feferi's crying. You made her cry. She's crying right now because of you and your stupid self drinking that stupid tainted water that made you faint which caused your best friend to cry.

You frantically try to open your eyes, to be okay, to tell Feferi that you're okay but your eyelids are glued shut.

You're trapped in darkness forever... Never to see Feferi's beautiful face again. Never to see Gamzee or any of your friends and family again.

You feel someone shaking you, calling your name.

"Nepeta... Come on, wake up! Nepeta!" Feferi shrieks.

Come on, wake up already. She needs you to be okay, damn it.

Nepeta. NEPETA, Get the fuck up, you lazy oaf!

You hear commotion all around you, muffled now and you pry open your eyes slowly.

Your eyes are wide open but the world is dark, everything is blurry and moving as if every single person here were stuck in a time warp.

You see tears on Feferi's cheeks which makes you die inside a bit.

You try to open your mouth and speak to Feferi but no words come out. Only a pathetic squeak which switches to a pathetic groan when you realize that you still cannot move.

You look around frantically which in reality probably looks nowhere near as frantic as you feel... and you think you want to scream.

Feferi is still shaking you. People are crowding you. Eyes. Eyes. Eyes. Hundreds of eyes. Thousands of eyes all staring at you. Glaring. Staring, Why are they still watching you?

You see flashing red and blue lights and you gradually move your head in the direction of the lights.

You blink, feeling time slowing all around you once again.

Is this what dying feels like? You're definitely dying. Oh God... You're... You're dying. What are you going to do? What can you do?

You look at Feferi, tears are in her eyes.

"Fff... Feffff..." You barely whisper.

She looks down at you, tears now rolling down her cheeks. "Y-Yeah?"

She's trying so hard not to sob and that itself makes you tear up.

"A-Am I gonna die?"

She chokes up, shaking her head vehemently. "No, Nepeta, you're not gonna die."

She repeats, "You're not gonna die," over and over as if she were trying to convince herself more than you.

You see Aradia and Terezi hovering over you now, both with incredibly concerned looks on their faces.

A paramedic walks over to you, followed by another carrying a stretcher.

You are picked up extremely easily and placed onto the stretcher.

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