Chapter 2: Feferi

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Your name is Feferi Peixes.

It's finally friday and you couldn't be happier! In fact, you think you're EXCITED about the weekend.

You've seen many weekends come and go in your lifetime and... to be honest with yourself, you wouldn't be surprised if you were always the most thrilled every single time.

Not only are you thrilled because you get to sleep in, but you get to be away from the people that you absolutely cannot stand and would much rather go into a different field just to be away from them but your mother forbids you from doing so!!!

Your ex,Eridan Ampora is one of those people. Or as you'd prefer to refer to him as 'The Exception'.

Day by day, you still can't believe you wanted to be in a relationship with him.

You knew you should have stuck with girls only.

From then on, you prayed to God that Nepeta would never have to be in the same situation.

Her boyfriend, Gamzee Makara is a bit... off, you admit but he's never hurt her so he's okay in your book!

If he ever did hurt her... you would beat him to a pulp have a nice chat with him.

You know he's not religious in the least... Or maybe he is???? What with all the mirthful messiahs and whatnot????

ANYWAY, you just pray for him that he never crosses that line. Ever.

For Nepeta's sake.

You close the house door behind you. All is quiet. Peaceful.

... Something feels wrong.

You don't know what or why but it simply does.

It's gotta be nothing right? You can't be...

You lose your train of thought when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket.

You take it out as it continues to vibrate in your hand..

609-525-6627?... Eridan.

A burning anger feeds into your veins and in the heat of it you... answer... the... phone.

"What do you want, Eridan?"

"Good t' talk to ya too, Fef," He mutters.

You roll your eyes. Sass already. Why aren't you surprised?

"Listen, Fef, I-"

"Answer my question before you say anything,"

"If you'd let me talk, maybe you'd know what I was gonna fuckin' say," He snaps at you.

You heave a sigh, conceding. He's right.

"Okay! Fine... Just- Make it quick."

Eridan clears his throat, clearly sounding prideful and arrogant now that he has his way.

You can't wait for what he has to say to you.

"Fef, I..." He pauses. "I just wanted to say..."

Is he about to say sorry? Apologise for everything?

"Why do ya keep pushin' me away? We used to HAVE somethin'!"

SERIOUSLY? That's what he called to do? Not to apologise to you... Just to draw you to pity him and for your apology?!


"We didn't have anything!" You sigh, dropping your head in your other hand. "I knew I shouldn't have answered your call..."

A moment of silence on his side of the line.

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