Chapter 5: Dead To Me

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"Do excuse my language miss, but where the heck am I?"

You blink a few times in confusion; Not only because of the fact that he literally only said 'heck' and you can't believe how... gentlemanly he's being.

His big curious gray eyes have a few hints of indigo in them so if you didn't already know he's a highblood from the previous tragic accident which you refuse to acknowledge for the rest of your existence... now you know.

Oh, right. He's waiting for you to answer.

You clear your throat and choke on air, coughing awkwardly a few times before proceeding to talk to your potential son!!!

"You were hit by a car and my matesprit and I saved you." You say with a likely unconvincing smile to try to seem like you had no fault in this situation whatsoever. Which... seems to work because he's grinning widely, revealing gaps between his pointy fang-like teeth.

"Thank you, miss uh..." His smile fades and he looks to you, practically begging you silently to give your name.


"Oh." He says with a slight chuckle. "Thank you, miss Nepeta," He finishes his sentence, seeming satisfied with your answer.

Your name does roll off the tongue, according to Feferi.

You smile, nodding a bit. God, he's so formal! It might take a while for you to get used to this.

Or who knows? You might even adopt him and that trait?

Pfft, Nah. That'd be pretty stupid.

You look back near the entrance, hoping to find Gamzee, which you... don't?

Then you hear the fridge door close and the clink of a beer cap popping off and hitting the counter.

You watch your boyfriend chug the beer and toss it into the trash then turn to you.


You look to the elephant in the room, so to speak, then back to Gamzee with a hopeful smile.

Maybe this troll can draw you two together again? You'll both care for him and in turn, he'll promise not to hurt you again!

"Gamzee can I show him where his room is?"

"You don't even know its name and you're keepin' it?" He crosses his arms, incredulously snubbing your attempt to communicate and attempt to restore what you used to have with him.

"Well... I-I was thinking so, yes..." You trail off.

"We don't even have an extra room, Nepeta."

"Y-Yes we do..." You protest, guiding the small troll from the couch, holding his hand and oh god his hand is so tiny? Even tinier than yours?

He catches a glimpse of his indigo blood stained on the couch cushions and winces, moving his other hand up to touch his broken horn.

You gently touch his arm with a bit of a stern look but not too stern and a quick shake of the head and he takes the hint, dropping his hand back down to his side.

"I apologize... I-I just wished to asses the damage done... " He looks up at you and speaks softly in response, handling his words as if they were made of glass.

If your expression gave off any actual tension before, it had softened for sure by this point. Gosh, those eyes of his... so big and innocent.

He may speak formally, but his gaze alone reminds you of the fact that he's just a poor child that you hit with your car who needs care and attention more than anything right now.

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