Chapter 6: Judges Don't Trust Bleached Blondes

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You hear a bloodcurdling scream echoing all around you and you close your eyes, covering your ears hoping it will go away because who would be screaming at a normal time like this? Not you!

You've just gotten home and Equius greeted you enthusiastically.

He wanted you to go upstairs with him so you did without question.

You got to Gamzee's room and saw Gamzee hanging there. Wait- Gamzee... Hanging.

You re-open your eyes and realize that you're the one screaming, you voice goes hoarse and you collapse to the floor.

Tears well up in your eyes and you sit on the floor, waiting. Waiting for him to just... take off the noose and drop to the floor, laughing in your face.

As moments turn to minutes and minutes surely change to hours, you start to come to the realization that this... is a dream!

You feel two small arms wrap around your torso and you know that this is a dream.

You're going to wake up and you'll be in bed with Gamzee and he'll kiss you when you open your eyes and he won't be... d-dead.

You shut your eyes tight, hoping you disappear and you re-open your eyes but you're still... here.

"G-Gamzee... Stop it... This isn't funny anymore! Well... It wasn't really funny in the first place b-but..." You trail off shakily.

You wait a few seconds with no response and tears roll down your cheeks.


You try to stand but your legs are apparently jello so you fall back down on your ass.

Wake up. Why won't you wake up?

You slowly collapse in on yourself, going into child's pose.

"Nepeta," You shoot up from the floor upon hearing a voice you don't recognise at first. "May I ask what happened?"

Fuck, how do you tell a kid about suicide? How do you tell a kid that that suicide was your fault?!

"H-He's sleeping... a-and so are we!"

Wow. Great cover. 10/10.

Now confused more than ever, Equius lets go of you and asks, "Why would he sleep there? And... Why are you crying?"

You wipe your tears away with the back of your hand and sigh, then chuckle in an attempt to make light of the situation you're in.

"Oh, I didn't see him at first and it scared me..."

Equius snorts which you assume is a chuckle, or you at least hope is a chuckle and you awkwardly divert eye contact from him, waiting for him to move on to a different topic.

When he doesn't, you move your attention back to Gamzee, who is no longer swaying in the air.

How long has he been hanging there? If you had come home earlier... could you have stopped him? Or were you the reason he did it?

You shudder at the thought, though you know it's likely true.

Why haven't you woken up yet?

You have to get out of here... You have to get out of here... You have to get out of here...

You take Equius's hand and rush downstairs with only one thing on your mind: Gamzee is dead and it's all your fault...

"Nepeta, where are we going?" He asks innocently to which you reply with a single word.


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