Chapter 7: A Kat In A Box

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It's been two days since Gamzee faked his own suicide and of course, being the weakling you are, you're still just as traumatized as you were on that God awful day.

You don't know which is worse: the fact that he was playing a joke on you or the fact that you were willing to join him in death if he was actually dead.

Whether the two of you would end up in the same place is anybody's guess but what matters is that he's alive and well.

Although, you wonder what a night alone would've been like...

No, no, no, Nepeta! God, you are so ungrateful. You don't deserve him.

You sit up in bed and your hair is likely a mess but you don't think you really care.

You refused to get out of bed yesterday so Gamzee took care of Equius, surprisingly enthusiastic.

You told Gamzee to call you in sick but you don't think he ever made the call so you guess you should show up to work today just so you don't get fired.

You brush your ginger blonde bangs out of your eyes and lower your feet to the carpet and stand, now staring at the chair in the center of the room.

You can't wipe the image of Gamzee hanging by his neck from your mind. It flashes in your head again and you feel a tear fall down your cheek and you look back towards your sleeping boyfriend.

The guilt writhing in you is almost unbearable. The only thing that's keeping you from giving up and crying yourself to sleep again is that Equius needs you.

As caring as Gamzee is, he can also pack a punch- you mean, be a bit stern.

You think you'd rather let Gamzee rest today... and tomorrow... and the next day... and the next week... and the next month... and the next year!

He works hard, after all... He's got no job and he uses all of your money the money that he earns to buy drugs food.

Y-You mean... You love him...!

Gamzee tosses in the bed, muttering something that sounds like your name and you can't help but grin a bit.

See? He loves you! He does!

Since you don't feel like trying to find a new outfit, you just grab random shit around the room, hope it's yours and put it on.

The only reason you haven't been fired for failing to follow the dress code is because your boss is empathetic enough to see that you would actually die without this job.

You suddenly remember that you left your phone dormant for two days straight.

Realizing hat that isn't normal for you... or anyone your age, you bolt down the stairs and by bolt you mean walk a bit faster than normal.

You get to the bottom floor and sigh softly, looking over everything in sight with a laid back gaze.

Your eyes focus on your phone in the same place it's been for days.

You walk to the counter and pick up your phone, half-heartedly wondering if anybody's attempted to contact you when you know for a fact that nobody cares okay that's just selfish of you how could you think like that?!

You sigh softly yet again, opening up Pesterchum which has more notifications than expected.

They're mostly from the group but hey, there's some from Feferi, Terezi and Aradia individually.

You're enthusiastic to see what they said but it's likely them worrying about you and that makes you feel pretty horrible.

You stare at the screen blankly, hesitantly holding your finger above the screen.

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