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It had been three weeks since Fire's departure. I had tried to visit him but tribes don't let those not of their tribe into their territory. This territory happened to be the Queen's so I had no chance in sneaking past her and the other tribe. I was walking over to the lake with Star by my side.
We had just found food for the queen, so we were just waiting until the Queen's call was unbearable. The ringing in my ears and mind was loud, as it was so many others. This sound had caused many dragons to snap and either go insane or die. I had not experienced any of these and hopefully never would.
Star went over to a large rock, the one we always loved to sit on. She leapt up and I crawled on behind her. I laid down and looked at the other dragons. It was a cloudy day and many dragons were feeling down. There was a tiny of sadness in the air. Then everybody dropped whatever they were doing and shook their heads, me and Star included.
The ringing was becoming louder, as though the queen was angry or in pain. Then it was over, all over. There was no longer a becom to feed and serve the Queen. No longer a ringing. I, and every other dragon, was free. I realized what was about to happen and let out a loud roar.
"DRAGONS!!! I know that we are free, but do not forget our dignity!" I said with a commanding tone. " Now, in a few minutes I will no longer be your leader, but I want to make one last act as one." Dragons turned their heads to look at me curiously. "Let us not forget the ones that died in service of the Queen. Now everybody get in a large circle."
Dragons started running around trying to find where to put themselves. I dived down with Star and we took our spots next to each other. Finally, when all the dragons were in a circle, we spoke.
"For those who have given their lives, or given up their soul to an unfair cause, we salute you." All the dragons chanted as one. Adults, hatchlings, and elders. Tiny Terrors and Monstrous Nightmares.
"Phoenix." Said Star, firing a purple plasma blast into the air.
"Zip and Zoom."
Many dragons said these names and then they fired into the air. Finally it came back to me.
"For life." I said sadly, firing my green plasma bolt on the air as everybody fired their own again. They all collided and we were showered with beautiful embers. Dragons then dispersed, all heading in groups with their own kind, following where instinct told them to go.
"Star, let's go grab the food we got for the Queen, alright." I asked her, it had been a while before anybody had seen Phoenix's name.
"Yeah let's do that." She answered back absent mindedly.
"Oh come on Star, think, how would Phoenix want you to react after he died?" I asked gently.
She looked up at me with her brilliant purple eyes and dark black body glinting in the sun. "He wouldn't want me to grieve. He would want me to live life and move on." She said half heartedly.
"Actually," I said "he'd probably want you to honor the oh great and powerful Phoenix." I said sarcastically. I hoped this would lighten the mood and it seemed to work a little as Star let out a laugh.
We headed inside the cave for what I hoped to be the last time. I grabbed the sheep I was going to bring for the queen and gobbled it down. I then headed outside next to Star who has just finished eating her baby yak. We sprung into the air and the moment I started flying a weird feeling came over me.
I immediately started flying north, not remembering anything. Not remembering Star and Fire. I had never experienced instinct this strong. While under the Queen's rule I was forced to deny it. The only instinct I had then was defending myself. Now I just soared to where I know I truly belonged.
I traveled for two days only slightly aware of Star by my side. We flew on and on until we came to a mountain range beside the sea. The mountains were snowcapped a brilliant white. There were caves littered about, I turned to my right and saw the sun rising.
Finally, I felt like I had a little control of my own mind. I picked a cave high up in a mountain looking out over the sea. Seeing the sun grow brighter I hung upside down in the cave next to Star and began to sleep. When I woke up I was confused, I looked around, it was night. I looked next to me and saw Star.
I slowly unraveled myself and landed on the ground. The noise I made must have woke up Star, because her eyes opened and she unraveled her body as well.
"So that's instinct." I said, bewildered.
"Yeah, weird." Replied Star. She looked around the cave with her purple eyes, I looked around as well with my yellow eyes. "Do you want to hunting?" Star asked.
"Sure." I said, still dazed.
We went up to the ledge of the cave and dove off towards the ocean. I echolocated and found a school of fish, first try! That's never happened before!  I thought to myself bewildered.
I dove down to where the fish were and opened my jaws. I skimmed over the water, gulping in large bass. Once I had my fill I headed back to the cave. I had never been this full, free, or happy. Here I was fishing with my friend during the night, full, sleepy, and living a life I had never thought possible, yet...I felt like I was missing something.
I pondered on this for a little bit as I headed up the spot I was laying on and laid down. Star came up in a little bit, also full and content. I kept on thinking about what I was missing, it was almost unbearable to forget what I remember to be so important. I was groping for it, just trying to fall asleep, I fired up the ground again, still thinking. Then as I was patting down the flames, I remembered.
Fire! I couldn't believe I had forgotten him. How could I have done that!? I needed to go look for him. I went over and nudged Star awake. She opened her eyes reluctantly and looked at me annoyed.
"I need to find Fire!" I breathed.
This made her shoot up and look around. Her eyes rested on me for a moment. She looked at me confused, then determined.
"No." She said.
"What!? What do you mean no!?" I asked infuriated.
"Well, seeing as instinct over took us, it probably has Fire. We should wait. Tomorrow night we can go and look around for him in this mountain range."
"Why don't we go looking for him tonight!?"
"Because we've been flying for two days! Let's rest first, eat! We need to fill up first!"
"You would react differently if it was Phoenix!" I spat.
To my surprise she didn't get mad but kept a cool tone. I could see what I had said was wrong the moment it came out, but it just had. She looked at me, with anger or sympathy I couldn't tell. But when she spoke her words were gentle and kind.
"I know I would be acting the same way if it was Phoenix, but then you would be the one telling me to call down and take a rest. You would have a bit of sense if it was Phoenix that we had left behind. So I must insist, as it is Fire we left behind, that you rest." Star finished with a commanding voice. I looked at her for a moment before consenting and laying down.
I had a very hard time falling asleep, how could I have done that? I forgot him. I bet he didn't forget you. Said a little voice in my head. It was a terrible thought. I know it could be taken kindly, but because I had forgotten him it made me feel terrible. I tried to push away the thought but I just couldn't.
When I woke up, I didn't realise I had gone to sleep. I looked around, it was dusk. The sunset outside was beautiful. The moon was staring to rise, eventually the sun had set and it was dark outside. The moon was only a sliver, a tiny little curve in the sky. Even though it was very dark outside I could see everything clearly. Every little detail, every little spot of starlight on every little blade of grass.
Star then came up behind me, she rested her gaze on me and I turned my head to return the look. I jumped off into the mountain range, my wings catching me. I turned around and saw Star. We flew around the mountain ranges, looking for Night Furies in the home of the Night Furies.
But we found none, not one. Not even a sign that a Night Fury might have lived here recently. We looked until dawn, we gave up and retreated back into our cave. I guess my worst fear had come true. Fire hadn't forgotten me. This slightly warmed me, but it disheartened me more.
I curled up upside down in the cave while the sun came up thinking, What have I done?

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