Chapter II

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The girl, who by this time had "cooled off", folded her arms and leaned against a tree. She couldn't have been standing there formore than a minute and a half, when all of a sudden there was a hum, and athump. The girl looked down at the arrow that, having been another six inches to the left, would have gone strait through her middle, and, not even the slightest bit phased, she took the arrow by the neck. In one swift movement she pulled the arrow out. It had been imbedded almost 4 inches into the tree...

She took a quick look around and, seeing nothing, called out to the taller of the two other girls, "KK, we've got visitors."

The answer was, "Already?"


The result was amazing. The short exchange ended like the break of a football huddle. In an instant, one of the girls was up the tree, and scanning the horizon, while the other, the one called "KK", shot aglance at the driver, who immediately nodded, and took the youngest girl by the arm and put her, kicking and screaming, or more truthfully, jabbing and whining, into the car, and then went around to the driver's side and got in. Ina second she was back out again, fully armed.

They were watching the girl in the tree. She slowly raised her hand, shading her face as she strained her eyes on something in the forest. Then she nodded, and turned around, her eyes starting to glow again. A grim smile spread across her face. She said "All but Tony!"

"You have to be kidding! They're never all in the same place! It's got to be some kind of trap!" said KK

"I know, but..." She didn't have time to finish. She turned around just in time to be picked up by someone in a very distinctive red and gold suit.


The girl kicked and fought her captor until he turned around and flew straight at the ground below (it should be noted that they were 15,000 ft in the air, at he had some sort of jet propulsion system).The girl immediately assumed a terrified expression and was almost in tears as they fell the last 1,000 ft, when a grim, and most definitely evil grin lit up her face, and she whirled him around until she was on top of him, and he smashed into the ground. As the dust started to clear she stood dramatically, hair waving wildly in the wind.

The "KK" one, quite obviously the oldest, and most controlled, opened her mouth to laugh, but her face quickly became a mask of fear and surprise. She looked to her fiery companion, a warning look on herface, and murmured, "Sky, duck!" and "Sky" dropped to the ground. A solid thump was the only thing to hint of the arrow, 4 ft 7 in off the ground, stuck in a tree, having flown through exactly where her head had been.

If there was shock in her eyes, it only registered for a nano-second, before returning to her usual cockiness.

Then she turned into something that is the fiery encasing that is pure madness. Of both kinds. Rage madness, and complete insanity madness.

Her powers were the fieriest, but truthfully they may not have been the most impressive. Her teammates, as they couldn't be anyone else, had their own preparations to make, involving bullets, hovering, and the sewingof cosmic threads.

When the onslaught came, they were ready for it. Or as ready as theywere going to get.


The Avengers struck fast and hard. At first the small team was able to hold their own against the Heroes, but they tired to quickly, losing the rhythm of their attacks. The leader was the first to go, throwing herself into every dangerous situation, until turning to catch an arrow; she got hit from behind by Captain America's shield.

After she went down it was only a matter of time till the rest of her team did.

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