Chapter 24 - Going Home

142 13 18

Delirious POV

Her screams drowned out...

The farther she got away...

I looked down the long, dark alleyway. Her silhouette turned to look back. Then she disappeared. It would have been more merciful if I just killed her. Now I've just paid a manipulative therapist to drain her bank account in exchange for 'help'.

Memories made my head pound as they flooded my mind all at once. I can almost remember everything now and I hate it. Every emotion, every traumatic event. And its all because of him.

I shouldn't have let him. I shouldn't have let myself.

Frustrated, I ripped my mask off a threw it to the ground. I turned so my back faced the wall and I shrunk down beside it, and I began to cry.

I'm sad, frustrated, confused....and concerned.

How about you rest? So you don't have to worry for a bit yeah?


C'mon, there's a team effort that has to go through. The memories can be cancelled out again. Just go rest

It'll be worse then before. I'll be worse, and I don't want to make Evan go through what I had too. There's no way it'd be fair to him.

The tears had stopped and I chuckled to myself. Why should I care about him?

My instincts started to warn me to leave. Echo's of police cars sounded at the far end of the alley. Getting louder and louder.

I stood up quickly and grabbing my mask along the way. Walking swiftly down the alleyway I spotted a ladder in the darkness. Grabbing the cold metal, I looked behind my shoulder. Cruisers were stopped at the end of the buildings, men started to get out of their cars.

Essentially jumping up the ladder, I made it up to the roof shortly. Without thinking I started to head back to my home.

This was so fucking stupid. If you had just taken a short rest, this wouldn't have happened and the girl would be dead. AND the memories would be gone. Such a fuck up like always.

I'm not listening anymore.


"Shit" I whispered as I realized where I ended up.

Im back home, back to him.

Walking up to the front door, I tried to open it. But it was locked. I looked up to the sky and let out a sigh. My head twisting back to stare at the door, I reached behind me to pull out a key from my back pocket. Unlocking and opening the door I stepped in.

My stomach dropped at the sight. Broken mirrors left glass shards all over the ground, the duffel bag still laid in the living room. My eyebrows pinched together. I walked in, shutting the door behind me.

"E-," Tears welled in my eyes as I tried to say his name "Evan?"

There was no answer. My head began to pound more and more as a nauseous feeling grew in my stomach and worry and concern overran my mind.


I scanned the rooms in search for him, to no avail. When I made it to the living room, I picked up the duffel bag and opened it. A white note laid on top of the money.

I know who you are and what you're capable of. I wont allow you to put him though anything you might have planned. He tells me that Jonathan has been 'showing' but I don't believe that for a god damn second. I have someone that holds Evan close to him. And hes suffered enough, I can tell just from the bruises and 'other' things on his body. I don't want him to suffer anymore.

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