Chapter 3 - Strange Behaviours

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Evan POV

I woke up with a start, with my heart beating in my ears. I think I woke up from my TV.

I remember having an awful dream. I tried to remember what it was about, but I couldn't recall anything. But, I think Jonathan was in it....I sat up and turned off the TV and rubbed my face.

I must've fallen asleep after I came home from Craig's. Wait, what time is it? I hope im not late for his party.

"Evan get your ass up, I hope you have a good excuse". A muffled voice came from the other side of the door. Banging on the door afterward

I jumped as he banged on the door. Shit, I guess I slept for a while. It wasn't worth it at all.

"Okay, fine. You can come in-" I was interrupted by the door being opened with Lui on the other side. His face was red and his eye's looked bloodshot. I guess he already drank a bit.

"You good?" I asked.

"Yup, I'm uh, I'm fine. I was heading home early, I got stuff to do. And I didn't see you there so I just w-wanted to check in" His voice broke and his eyes started to water.

"Um, okay. Lui are you okay man? Want me to drive you?" I was concerned for him. He wasn't acting himself.

"Nah, I just...I got a few things to think about and I kinda want to be by myself," He stared at the ground and wrapped his hands around himself "I'll uh, I'll see you soon"

He turned around and walked away, heading towards his house.

What the fuck is wrong with Lui, he'd never miss one of Craig's parties...especially if he's miserable. As bad as that sounds.

Checking the time, I realized the party started an hour ago. Eh, oh well I'll have fun no matter what time I get there.

I went to my room and changed into jeans and a black hoodie that defined my muscles. After checking myself out in the mirror for a bit I walked downstairs and wrote a note to my mom about my phone just in case she came home.

Grabbing a maroon beanie, and my keys. I opened my garage and drove my car out to Craig's.

Pulling up, I drove into his driveway. Nobody ever used his driveway except for us. Some lame people (who I must note weren't invited) took up all his driveway once, so we convinced some random drunks to poke holes into all his tires.

I ignored all the drunk people on his lawn, and that random "secret" couple beside his house ALWAYS making out. I could feel the bass of the music on the ground. Craig always threw the best parties, but Brian knew what to get. And Marcel was the booze guy. Lui would just kinda be there. Me? I'm the guy who steals the girls from them. Hehe, well at least from Brian and Marcel, and to be completely honest, I don't even know what Lui's into.

The door opened for me and Craig stood there with someone's hand around his waist.

"Hey, its okay he's haha he's not dead," Craig slurred "Oh, Evan, meet David. My boyfriend. Haha, he's kinda strange he has all these nicknames like Daithi, and Nogla. It's strange since I don't know what to call him in be-"

"That's great babe, but I'm sure Evan wants to come inside" David said with a heavy Irish accent.

"Oh, ya how bout chu come inslide" Craig took a drink from his cup, then turned around to make out.

"Well, nice to meet you" I mumbled and slid past them. Sorry but I don't need to watch my best friend love on his boyfriend.

Walking into the kitchen I saw Brian and Marcel. They were probably talking about the party. Heading to the fridge, I grabbed a cold beer and heard Brian call to me.

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