Chapter Four: Things That Change And Things That Don't

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Louis’ POV Con’td:

            Those four words were quite big for me. I hadn’t exactly gotten this serious in admiring someone where I got jealous all too easily and my whole life took a sharp turn. Not everything was going right, so I suspected the direction I was going would be left. These small little unexpected kinks here and there really could set things off. As Sherman Alexie had said; One play can change your whole momentum.

            Now, before you start thinking that my heart and mind both pulled me to the same point in time and emotion I was to say that I still cannot fathom the thought even, of risking my reputation for a someone I merely liked. I had a scholarship lined up for Manchester U, and I’m sure coming out as gay and having the boyfriend I’m imagining- cough , cough, Marcel- could most likely jeopardize everything. Who am I talking? I’m acting as if I could ask Marcel out and all of a sudden he would leap into my arms and try to get in my pants.


            Things don’t always go the Tomlinson way, and even though I could have any girl I want, a guy- Marcel mostly- would be entirely different. I sighed to myself as I walked down the halls and out the school doors heading to my car. Why did being a hormone-crazed teenager have to be this complicated?  The emotional struggles in my life at the moment as a hormone dependent teenager consists of my heart longing for an emotional erection and how on earth do I please this need? Give the heart what it wants. Marcel.

            As this hit me like a thousand freight trains and quite possibly five airplanes, twenty trucks, and thirty-seven nuclear missiles I realized I still had so much at stake. I could possibly latch onto Marcel, devise a plan to be his friend and then just drop everything and… this is going nowhere.  

“Oi, Tomlinson!” I snapped back to reality and swiveled to look behind me. It was Nick Grimshaw. He followed me around because I was captain of the Footie team but he wasn’t necessarily my friend, and he creeped me out a bit too; always staring at Marcel as if he was some demon or axe murderer. I’m not sure why, the two have literally never spoken.

“Yes Grimmmy? What’s up?” I called back to him.

“Party at my place on Friday… which is the day after tomorrow. You there? Everyone knows you’re life of all the parties ‘round here, yeah?” He threw his head back laughing.

“Yeah of course Grim! I’m always at your parties,” I smiled. Nick smirked and threw his arm around me and whispered, “there will be lots of girls. Newbies too. Hot ones.” He walked away without a word and I shivered. Girls? I could care less. 

            Shaking off the weird feeling that seemed to pull me down, I got in my Lexus and drove home. I needed to do something about Marcel but I couldn’t tell what. Something that could settle with my reputation but still fit us… together. No, not like that, that wouldn’t be right. Yes, I still think that the jock and the nerd together would not work well. Arriving home, I had come to the conclusion of consulting Niall and Zayn tomorrow, as Liam was still extremely pissed off at me. It was rather annoying honestly; I’m not sure what drew me towards Marcel the Nerd out of all people. Maybe it was the humungous glasses he wore or the absolutely horrid sweater vets that even my own grandmother wouldn’t dare purchase. Either way, it was attractive and absolutely unconditionally annoying all at the same time. 

Marcel’s POV:

            Lunch was awfully awkward. I mean, Niall was all over me- not in that way in an extremely clingy annoying way- and Louis looked so mad I was getting anxious. I’m not sure why he was so upset. Maybe it was the fact that Liam hit him but I doubted it; it was something more. He had this scowl whenever Niall talked to me. Was it jealousy? Obviously not. Louis hated me, I was a loser, he was not. Thus, he rightfully hated me. The day trudged on with no trouble at all. Louis had bailed on music class so I grabbed a seat on the piano and played around with notes during the time. Mrs. Sivan had told us tomorrow there is a huge announcement that will change the project a bit. I suppose I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to see what this announcement is. 

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