Chapter One: Nerds And Footies

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Chapter One: Marcel's POV

"Marce love, don't forget your inhaler! I just got it refilled," mum called to me from the kitchen. "Yes mum, I will!" I grabbed my inhaler, shoved it into my pocket- as I often need to use it- and head out the door for my walk to school.

Yes, I know, I'm a sixteen year old independent man, but a car is just too stressful for me. Or so my mum thinks. I remember about 6 months ago, she had allowed me to pull out of the driveway and take a ride around the neighbourhood with her to guide me from the passenger seat. Let's just say... things went a bit... breathy.

I pulled out of the driveway grinning from one dimple to another. "Alright Marce, look behind you!" Mum practically squealed in excitement. I looked to the back and say a row of bikers stroll by, quick as a bee. Gasping, I reached for my inhaler and had a panic attack- later noticing I hadn't even had my foot on the gas pedal.

Ever since then mum has told me I need to wait for a car. And that I have to keep in extra inhaler in her car just in case some bikers decide to whiz by.

Anyway, I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. It didn't matter actually- the walk to school was about five minutes tops. I walked through the neighbourhood which consisted of the same two story houses as mine, that is, until I reached the Footies. The Footies is the neighbourhood on the outer edge of the community, closer to the school. All the football players from our high school live in the Footies, so they can be closer to field. The houses are what really separates the Footies from the normal houses though; wide two story houses with neat yards and lighted driveways. To be honest, they were not mansions, just larger and more sophisticated homes than the others.

I walked past the Footies and looked straight towards school, which was about ten meters away from me. Before approaching the steps, I glanced at the football field where the popular boys were playing. There was Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Stan something-or-the-other, Nick Grimshaw, and David Devine. I don't remember the names of the others. I hardly had an ease of cheese remembering the other lads names except one. Louis William Tomlinson.

No, I do not stalk him like in the films or anything, I simply fancy him. I'm openly gay but no one except my mum knows. Why? Well I have no friends. No one really notices me, which is great. Means I don't get bullied.

I sigh and hobble up the stairs and take a quick breath through my inhaler before walking through the doors. I loved school because I got to get the best of education; my absolute favourite thing, and I got to take electives like styling and music- which if I may add, Louis Tomlinson also takes.

+ + +

I step into my favourite class, music. Just the creativity that I can muster up is quite replenishing! I walked to the back of the room where my seat was and looked around. Girls were flirting with guys, and guys were flirting with girls. Not everyone of course, but I wonder sometimes, how do you flirt? But it doesn't matter; no one knows who I am anyway. I turn my head to the direction of Louis Tomlinson and freeze. He is looking at me. I repeat, Louis William Tomlinson is looking at me. He knows I sit here, he knows who I am he-

He laughs suddenly and I turn around. Niall is writing something on the window. Of course. Louis wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Niall. He looked past me. I silently cursed myself- of course, not using bad words- and sighed.

'Holy twix Marcel. You're so stupid!'

Just then, Mrs. Sivan walked in and everyone became quiet. There goes my day, dragging on.

+ + +

I was walking home from school pretty content. No one had noticed me so no one talked to me, thus, no one had made fun of me. My mum doesn't know I don't have friends. I told her I have two friends, Jordan and Eleanor, which I don't. Mum is very smart, but she never realized that Jordan and Eleanor were my distance cousins and that I use their names even though I don't have friends. It's quite humourous to me anyway.

I passed by the Footies and rolled my eyes. Everyone had gathered up in Louis' house it seemed. They were all in the yard when I heard my name. Well, not exactly my name at first but it was me they were talking about. I hid behind a bush to listen.

"Louis, truth or dare mate?"


"Okay. Who's that nerd kid? Mar, Marlene, Martle, Marcin, Marvin?"

"I don't remember. I think it's Marcel."

I gasped. They mentioned my name! They noticed me, they noticed me, the Footies had noticed me! No, Louis was the one who knew my name! They knew I existed!

I moved a little closer into the bush to listen to Louis' friend continue.

"Marcel! Yeah that's the one. I dare you to beat up Marcel tomorrow."

Louis scoffed and rolled his eyes. "That dork? The idiot. Anyway, I said truth you dolt."

Louis friend laughed. I think it was Stan but I'm not sure. Stan was dumber than all the others. "Oh, oops right. I hoped you'd picked dare though."

My heart dropped to my feet. The boy who I fancied, who I thought didn't know I existed, did know. Now him and his friends were discussing beating me up. Maybe I'll just stay out of the way as usual. That shouldn't hurt right?

I quickly jumped from the bush and sprinted him, taking a few pumps of my inhaler. It was odd though, I still fancied Louis. His porcelain blue eyes and feathery chestnut hair. I've never felt this way about anyone. I'm an idiot, it doesn't make a difference. I'm not going to get anyone so I might as well dream.

I walked through the door and saw on note on the kitchen counter that read:

I'm working late tonight. I talked to Gemma on the phone, she says hello. See you tomorrow, love you!

P.S There's a taco in the fridge from Chipotle.

X Mum

I sighed and headed upstairs. Much too exhausted to eat anything, I went to bed. I wished silently, that I remained unnoticed.

+ + +

I woke up the next day and saw that mum had to leave for work early. This actually began to happen a lot, so I didn't mind. I walked to school and entered the music room when Mrs. Sivan had announced that there was a project we had to do.

"Class, this project is 80% of your music grade for this senior year. It is also about 40% of your English grade to see how you analyze real-world comprehension and world-to-text situations."

That earned a cloud of groans from the class. I smiled slightly. I loved this class.

"I have partnered you up with each other. You will have to create a song that means a lot to you, relating to your life at the exact moment of your life, when you are writing the song. No past, no future, just present. The song has to be appropriate and use at least one musical instrument! Okay, here are the partners."

I sat frozen because this assignment seemed very fun, but the partners were not. I had never worked with someone before and I was hoping not to in the future. I took a puff of my inhaler and looked up as Mrs. Sivan began reading the names.

"Niall Horan and Stan Lucas."

So that was Stan's last name.

"Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards."

"Liam Payne and Sophie Stevens."

And she rattled of a few other names until she called mine- the last.

"This of course means, that the final partner pairing are Marcel Styles and Louis Tomlinson!" She smiled and set her notes down and dismissed the class. I sat paralyzed. I needed my inhaler but I was so shocked that I didn't reach for it. My eyes trailed to Louis walking out the door. He paused, looked at me and gave me a disgusted look.

Oh no.

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