Chapter Five: Sun and Meteors

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Marcel’s POV:

            I walked through the doors half-asleep. I had a feeling that I would have a tough time focusing in today’s classes; I hated that. I wouldn’t get the entire experience of education. As I walked towards my locker everyone stopped and stared at me. Holy twix I can’t look that bad… Mum even said I looked okay. Not that I care but… I pushed up my glasses nervously and ignored their stares and opened my locker; putting things in and taking things out. Turning around I saw Louis and his friends staring at me. Uh oh I thought. Their eyes were wide and Zayn had his mouth hanging open, Liam stood smirking and Niall was laughing. Louis was red as a tomato. I hadn’t realized that I was staring at Louis for so long until he started to walk towards me.

            What was he doing?

            He walked up to me and I immediately flinched, afraid and whispered, “please don’t hit me!” Right as he was about to reply the bell rang and I ran off towards Music. Saved by the bell. I didn’t dare look back.

Louis’ POV:

            I had no idea what I was doing. Walking over to Marcel I found that a) I couldn’t stop myself and b) I would just end up awkwardly standing there, not knowing what to say. When I reached him and his locker he shrank back looking terrified. He quietly muttered, “please don’t hit me!” And I froze. Hit him? Is that what he thinks I would do? Am I that bad? The bell rang and he ran off to Music- the class where we were partners. Students rushed to their classes but I just stood there, staring at his locker. The words kept ringing through my head. Please don’t hit me! Please don’t hit me! Please don’t hit me! Please don’t hit me! Ple-

“LOUIS!” Niall stood in front of me shaking my shoulders. I shook him off and walked to class, late, and muttered as he walked alongside me. “He thought I was going to hit him.

“What did he say mate?” Niall asked.

“I walked toward him and he backed up and whispered, ‘please don’t hit me!’” I slumped my shoulders and stopped turning to face him.

“Look Louis, we can talk about this later. We’re late to class. Don’t wanna keep Marcel waiting yeah?”

I looked and him and my stomach knotted. Still, his name made me feel different.

“Well Niall, we’re already late. I might as well tell you. I’m done. I-I want to… I don’t know I just can’t ask him out like that!” I threw my arms up and sighed.

Niall began walking again and I followed as he told me, “Just do what you do with friends Louis. Get to know him.”

And with that, he walked to class.

            In class I sat next to Marcel and he shifted nervously. I whispered to him carefully. “Marcel I’m uhm… I’m not going to hit you relax. I uh, I- I’m sorry about the other day. Days… I mean. Erm yeah.” Wow nice apology Tommo. I looked over at him and he smiled nervously, nodding to show he understood. I kept looking at him. His curls were so hot and he looked really hot in flannel. There was something that looked like a navy blue/black etched onto his skin that was peeking out from the collar area of his shirt; which was drooping down. Was it a tattoo? No… “Louis uhm, is everything alright?” he whispered. “Shi-uh- I mean… Ugh, holy Twix I um, never mind sorry.” I blushed and looked at the teacher. That was embarrassing. I heard a snicker behind me and saw Niall and Zayn laughing and smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to the front of the class again,

            “So class as I told you yesterday there would be a huge announcement regarding the project today. The announcement will help you all with your songs! Our class has been funded by the PTSA and district so we will be taking a trip to Hawaii in the USA! We will be staying for a week, and you need to get these permission slips signed by your parents by tomorrow. We will leave on Monday, which as today is Friday, is in 2-3 days. You will be sharing a room with your partner for the project. Girls, if your partner is a boy, you must switch with someone else so you share a room with the same gender. Your partner and you will spend the week as a time to get to know each other and get inspiration for your song. As much as this may seem like a vacation, it is still educational, and there are some assigned activities.”

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