Chapter Fourteen: Height Gamblers

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IMPORTANT AN: Hello everyone thank you so much for 13k reads! Quick notes: first off, starting from now every week I will be updating with few exceptions. Second of all, my/our tumblr/website will be up and running in a few days but for it we need praise sort of like the things you see on the back of books? So please comment some below and try to write it as professionally as possible? I will give credit to you by putting your praise into the website with your username unless you state that you don't want credit. PLEASE PLEASE do this, I can't launch the site till I get 7 or more! Thank you so so much. Now.. Enjoy the chapter!


“See Nialler, this always fucking happens. ‘S why I wanted to stay away from relationships and shit. It had only been a couple weeks!” I blew out a puff of smoke and offered a cigarette to Niall. He shook his head and sipped a beer. “Lou, I still think maybe you should talk to him. Liam’s been checking in on him and he said he’s a wreck. Hasn’t showed up to school once or twice. Apparently Mrs. Sivan says he’s ‘sick.’”

“He cheated Niall,” I said, bringing the cigarette to my lips.

“Did he Louis? I mean you walked in on Grimshaw, but it’s Grimshaw. And Marcel did apparently tell you he tried to push Grimmy away. Honestly, all things aside, does nerd arse Marcel look like he would cheat?”

I frowned and took that into consideration. It was odd to think Marcel, who was afraid of almost everyone, would cheat, especially with Grimshaw.

            In the end I supposed it was all my fault. I grew the balls the tell people I preferred guys over cheerleaders, that I didn’t want any of the girls that threw themselves at me, that no one should be flirting with Marcel other than me. Niall shifted against the wall silently and sloshed around his bottle. I closed my eyes and inhaled, wondering how to fix what I’ve done. Would Marcel be so quick to forgive me? On the other hand, he wasn’t one mad at me, he was probably scared off his bloody wits since I made such a fucking dramatic exit. Opening my eyes, I watched the smoke twist and curl, blending with the cold air from my breath.

“I ought to do something soon,” I said, eyes fixed on the fading smoke.

“Atta’ boy,” an Irish voice replied from the side.


            The stairs creaked and the same familiar black stripe on the brick column passed me by. Marcel had said Robin was spraying a car for a friend and Gemma wanted to play with the paint can, so she tried to do ‘graffiti’ and sprayed a black line on the brick. I chuckled to myself as I approached the wooden door. Zayn would have passed out looking at the line, he was a proper artist in everything you can imagine.

            I knocked on the door and stuffed my hands into my jacket pocket. It was one of my favourites for the winter; denim with fur dotted on the collar. Footsteps thudded closer till a woman opened the door. “Hi,” I said, clearing my throat. “I uhm, I’m a friend of Marcel’s… Just here to stop by.” She smiled and motioned for me to come in. “Course’ love. I’m Anne by the way, Marcey’s mum. I’m so glad he’s made a friend other than El and J. Go on up dear, he needs someone, especially with everything going on. Just shuck your shoes off, yeah?” I popped off my shoes and stepped in. “What? Why what’s going on?” She stopped and her eyes widened.

“I, ah… Uh… Right, maybe you should go and Marce will let you know. His information to share not mine dear.”

I nodded and went up the stairs where Anne directed me and found Marcel’s room.

            The door was ajar so I gently pushed it open and knocked with my knuckles. “Marcel?” I whispered. He lay, wrapped in a blanket, asleep, looking soft and peaceful, curls astray. On the nightstand next to his two orange bottles containing pills sat, one uncapped. I quietly walked over and read the labels. One was Prednisone and the other was a name I didn’t recognize. I knelt down and rubbed his shoulder. He was warm and I felt a rush of sadness. I missed Marcel and I had made a big deal out of nothing.

“Marcel? Baby can you wake up for a second? It’s Louis.”

He stirred a bit until his eyes fluttered open. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. “Louis?” He asked. I nodded and smiled. “Oh, god, Louis,” he began, “I’m so so sorry I hope you know I didn’t cheat I swear! Nick just grabbed me and I didn’t know what to do he’s—”

“Marcel,” I stopped him. “It’s okay, really. It was my fault.” I chuckled and pecked his cheek. “I was so dramatic. I should have known you’re not the type to lie, shoulda’ talked it out with you love.” He shrugged and smiled. “’S alright Lou, let’s just forget it.” I smiled and nodded. “All honestly now M, and you and I. Speaking of…”

I took a deep breath.

“I think I’m ready.”

            Marcel looked at my confusedly. “Ready for what- oh…” He beamed and sat up, coughing a bit. “Wow! Are you sure Lou? I don’t want to be pressuring you, I know this is a big thing but,” he stopped. “I’m proud of you.” I smiled even wider, if that was even possible and played with a frayed edge of his blanket. “I’m positive. I’m tired of everyone chatting you up and not knowing you’re mine. And I shouldn’t be ashamed of who I am.” Marcel laughed in delight and untangled himself from the sheets, standing up. His eyes leveled mine and he hugged me, warm and soft. I felt a warm bubbly feeling inside.

I felt happy.

            “Hey,” I held onto his hands and bumped his nose with mine. “You’re as tall as me.” He grinned and nodded. I mock-pouted. “Not for long though. You know the doctors say I’m a fast grower, I’m gonna be taller than you soon.” Marcel smirked and rested his forehead against mine, playing with my fingers.

“Yeah right,” he smirked, “I’m going to end like a tree. You’ll have to get on your tip-toes to kiss me.”

“Ha!” I scoffed, “and he speaks lies!” He threw his head back and laughed.

“Heyyy,” I pecked him on the lips. “How ‘bout a little gamble?”

“I’m listening.”

“Who ever gets taller than the other has to buy the other person dinner.”

Marcel giggled and nodded. “Alright, sounds good. It’s a bet.”

“It’s a gamble,” I corrected. I winked and he laughed again, kissing me. 

            “Marcel?” I asked. We were both sitting on his bed. His head lay on my chest as he sat against me, eyes closed as I played with his hair. “Hm?” He responded. “Your mum was mentioning something going on, and you needed friends to help you through it or ‘summat. Do those pills have anything to do with that?” I felt him shrug. “No not really,” he mumbled. “They’re just anti-inflammatories. My lungs are a bit inflamed so air can’t get in and out too much. I’ll be alright though.” Something about his tone was off but I knew that was all he wanted to say, so I let it slip for the time being. We spent the rest of the evening sitting and telling stories and little things to each other, getting know each other better. I found myself falling deeper and deeper for Marcel, and regardless as to if he felt the same way… Well, I knew I was in too deep to get out. 

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