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Everything was chaos.

Bits and pieces of the ship were breaking into the water.

"We're going down, sir! We can't keep her up!"

The captain didn't hear. That dreadful, dreadful noise was filling his ears.

An angelic song.

Edd decided to take matters into his own hands and got people into lifeboats. There was no way the ship was going to make it, so he loaded their things onto a boat and lowered it down.

"Everyone onto the lifeboats!" He gathered people together, but most were completely entranced in the music. The ship jolted, and started tipping. He was plunged into freezing water, and something dragged him down. Next thing he knew, he was lying on the beach, a mysterious figure over him.


Diane and Abigail dragged Matt along with them to the Crashing Rocks.

"Really, guys? I thought you'd stopped crashing ships." Matt sat on the rocks, his tail dipped in the water.

"Matthew, we're sirens. It's what we do." Abigail stared out on the water, watching a ship slowly grow closer.

"Yeah, but... Don't you think it's kind of cruel?" He started braiding Diane's hair as they waited for the ship.

"They're dumb humans. If they don't know what's over here, they had it coming." Diane splashed the water with her tail, and the ship approached. "Come on, Matthew."

He sat up as they started singing, drawing the captain over to the rocks. The ship hit the spikes and people started falling off.

"Hey, Matthew, I've got an idea. Why don't you take one of the sailors that falls off and drag them down as far as you can?"

"Wh... I'm not doing that, Abigail."

"What? Are you scared?" Diane laughed, and Matt saw a sailor in green fall off. "Oh! That one looks good! Go get him!" She shoved Matt into the water and he whined, swimming to the sailor. 

He grabbed him by the ankle and started swimming down, when he looked back. The sailor was completely unconscious, and had a small photo frame in his pocket. Matt took the photo frame and stared. It was a family photo of the sailor and a young girl, about 8 or 9 years old. The faces of the parents had been burned away. Matt put the photo away and pulled the sailor to the surface, then quickly took him to a small ledge and pulled himself up.

"Oh, goodness... Please be okay." He put his ear to his chest and heard a heartbeat. He sighed and joined their lips to remove the water from his lungs. The sailor gasped, coughing.

He looked up at Matt, still woozy. "Who... Are you...?"

Matt looked around, nervous. He couldn't be found out, or his city would be hunted down and destroyed. He went back, swimming off.

The sailor, Edd, sat up. "Wait!" He looked at the water, but couldn't see anything. He stood and kicked the dirt on the ledge. "Damn it! He saved my life and I couldn't even thank him." He huffed, then felt his lips, looking out at the water. He cleared his head and ran to a nearby town, which happened to be his home that he was sailing back to. He knocked on the door of a small house, and a young girl, about 11 to 12, opened it, pointing a small dagger at him. She lowered it and a smile covered her face.

"Edd! You're home!" She hugged him, and he lifted her. "I was so scared, I thought you'd be home 4 days ago!"

"I'm sorry! We ran into a storm on the way back, and..." He sighed, putting her down. "The ship sank on the rocks nearby."

"Edd, you promised me you'd stay away from those rocks!"

"I'm sorry. It was the sirens. I-I don't know how many people made it off." He wiped his eyes, sniffling.

"Edd, don't cry! When you cry it makes me cry."

"You're right. I'm going to go to the docks to see who made it back." He smiled and walked out, strolling through town.


Matt swam back to the city, nervous. He was almost seen. He went to a small store in the city, looking around.

"Ah, hello, Matt! How are you?" An older mermaid swam out, holding a small box.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Antilly. I need a favor..." He went to the counter, whispering. "I need something to take me to the surface."

"What? Why would you need to do that..?"

"There was a sailor I saved... I didn't get to say a thing to him, I was too scared I'd be noticed. I need something."

"Well... I do have something that could help." She dug through a box, taking out a necklace. "Here. Put this on, twist the pendant three times and you'll be able to go to the surface."

"Thank you." He took the necklace and swam out, heading to the ledge. He stayed in the water, watching the surface from underneath. He twisted the pendant and there was a flash of light. Next thing he knew, he had 2 legs and human lungs. He had scar-like marks on his neck where his gills were, and he climbed up onto the ledge, coughing. He got the water out of his lungs and stood, wobbling a bit. He'd never been to the surface, but he knew it would be difficult to adapt.

He tried to walk, and started stumbling. He put his arms out straight, taking long strides. People started staring, but he quickly got the hang of it. He explored the town, fascinated by the culture. He stopped when he locked eyes with someone.

The sailor.

A Siren's Song (Edd x Matt Eddsworld Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now