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"Oh! Come with me, I want to show you something!" He grabbed Edd's hand and ran outside. 

"Matt! Slow down!" Edd ran behind him, tripping on himself a few times. Matt stopped and Edd smacked into him.

"Okay, cover your eyes." Matt smiled and Edd covered his eyes, holding onto Matt.

"Where are we going?" Edd started walking as Matt went on, clinging to him.

"You'll see." Matt pulled him along, then stopped him. "Alright, hang on." He stepped behind Edd. "Okay, open your eyes."

Edd uncovered his eyes to a glowing pool of water in a large cave. His eyes sparkled as he stepped forward, nearly falling in. Matt caught him by the back of his shirt.

"Careful!" He pulled him up, holding onto him.

"Matt, I know how to swim. I'll be fine." He smiled and Matt stepped in front of him.

"Hang on." He stepped into the water and turned to his siren form, poking his head up. "Alright, come on in." Edd stepped in and opened his eyes underwater. He spotted Matt's tail and smiled wide, swimming behind him and jumping up, hugging him. He shrieked and looked back at him.

"Edd! Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry..." He sighed and Matt grabbed his hand.

"Here, let me show you something." He swam down, pulling Edd with him. Edd whined, holding his breath. He turned back and Matt formed a small air bubble around Edd's nose and mouth. Edd breathed in the bubble and Matt went further, taking him to a cave. He went to a small air pocket and Edd gasped, letting go of Matt. He coughed, barely able to see anything in the dark cave.

"Matt?" He felt around. "Matt, where are you?"

Matt grabbed his hand and Edd held onto him. "I'm right here, Edd. You're okay. I won't let anything happen to you." He pulled him close, rubbing his back.

"Where are we?" Edd was shaking, though the water was warm.

"I'll show you in a minute, for now, take some deep breaths." He held Edd, helping calm him down.

"It's dark... I can't see anything..."

Matt looked around, having better vision in the dark than Edd. "It's okay, I'm here." He reached over to a small crystal and tapped it, lighting it up, and setting off a chain reaction of all the crystals around them. Edd looked up and let go of Matt, floating, staring around at the crystals.

"It... It's beautiful..." He spotted a small ledge and pulled himself up to it, feeling the crystals. Matt dove down and felt around on the bottom, then swam back up.

"Hey, Edd. I've got something for you." Edd slid down into the water and Matt held up a small crystal. "These caves are said to hold a specific magic. If two people share an emotion within it's walls, and carry out a crystal, that crystal will hold and flourish that emotion." He put the crystal in Edd's hand, and it slowly turned pink.

"Matt, this is so sweet..." He had tears in his eyes, and he watched the crystal change colors. Edd wiped his eyes and he looked up at Matt. He laughed, holding onto the crystal. He pulled Matt into a hug, surprising him a bit.

"I'm glad you like it."

Edd grinned, then ducked down underwater, looking down at the crystals that broke off of the walls. Matt dove down, smiling at him. He swam forward and kissed Edd, turning the crystals around them slightly pink. Edd went above water, looking at the small entrance.

"Should we head back..? Grace is probably worried." Edd put the crystal in his pocket.

"Yeah... I'll get you back up, come on." Matt took Edd's hand and swam out, quickly swimming to the surface. Edd gasped, and Matt took him to the ledge. Edd climbed up and shook the water off of his hair.

"Hey, I'm going to go pick something up while I'm still like this. I'll meet you back at the house." He waved and dove down, heading towards his city. He avoided most of the people around him and swam towards the antique store. He opened the door and rang the small bell at the counter.

"Mrs. Antilly? It's Matt!"

She quickly swam out, excited. "Matt! It's so good to see you! How are things on the surface?"

"It's great, actually! It's beautiful up there." He made his way over to the shelves, looking around. "There's something I'm looking for, though..."

"Oh! Well, what can I get you?" She went over to him, putting some things away.

"Um... I need something that can turn a human into a siren... I wanted to show someone around, but they're human and can't stay underwater for very long..."

"I've got just the thing." She grabbed a small bracelet from the top shelf, handing it to him. "Here you go."

"Thank you, Mrs. Antilly. How can I pay you?"

"No need. Getting to see you is payment enough." She smiled and ruffled his hair, making it flow all around him. He laughed, then swam out, waving. He made his way back to the surface and saw Edd sitting at the ledge.

"Matt! You're back!"

"Have you been waiting here the whole time?" Matt smiled and twisted the necklace, pulling himself up and getting rid of the water in his lungs. Edd backed up, still pretty scared by the whole process. Matt hid the bracelet behind his back and Edd looked over at his hand.

"What are you hiding?" 

"Nothing, it's fine." He started walking and concealed the bracelet. Edd followed him, holding the crystal. He took it out and saw it was much more pink than before.

"Hey, Matt?"


"Um... I was wondering... Is there any way we could visit a shipwreck near the Crashing Rocks?"

"Oh, sure! Is there a specific o-" He turned to Edd, who was looking at the photo he kept in his jacket. He rubbed the spot where he burned off the faces of his mother and father and wiped his eyes.

"I just wanted to see if there was anything left of their ship... Maybe something I could bring back to Grace..."

"Do you know the name of their ship..?"

"No, but I know what it looked like."

"Then let's do it. Is tomorrow alright?"

"Sounds good." Edd smiled and walked into the house, heading to his room. He placed the crystal on his shelf. Matt went to his room and placed the bracelet under his pillow. He walked out and knocked on Edd's door.

"Come in."

Matt walked in and saw Edd wrapped in his blanket, laying on his bed.

"So... When we go see the shipwreck, how am I going to survive underwater..?"

"It's a surprise." He sat down next to him and Edd pushed himself up, leaning on Matt.

"I'm worn out."

Matt held him close, cold from the water. He slowly warmed up, clinging to Edd. "You're so warm..."

"And you're freezing! Good lord, how are you still so cold from that?" He wrapped Matt in the blanket with him, warming him faster. Matt grinned and hugged him like a stuffed animal, almost falling asleep.

"Warm... soft..." He drifted off to sleep, leaving Edd in a blushing mess.

A Siren's Song (Edd x Matt Eddsworld Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now