Home Sweet Home

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Edd's eyes locked with those of a pale ginger in the middle of a crowd. He ran towards him, smiling.

Matt stepped back then started running away, nearly tripping over himself a few times. Edd chased him to an alleyway where Matt cornered himself.

"W-What do you want?" He grabbed a small shard of glass from the ground, ready to defend himself. "Why were you chasing me?"

"I-I just wanted... To thank you." He backed away a bit, staring at the shard of glass. "You... You saved my life, I got to see my sister again." He smiled, taking out the photo.

"Well, it was only the right thing to do." He lowered the glass and stepped forward, yelping and lifting his foot. He had stepped on a piece of a broken bottle.

"Oh, goodness! Hang on, I got this." He knelt down and slowly removed the piece of glass. 

"Ow, careful! That hurts!"

"It'll hurt less in a minute." He ripped off a strip of his clothes and wrapped his foot with it. "Let me get you back to my place, I can patch it up better."

"Thank you." Matt held onto Edd and he started helping him to his house. He knocked on the door and his sister opened it. She shrieked when she saw Matt and grabbed her dagger.

"Who is this?!"

"I'll explain in a bit, he's hurt." Edd walked him to his bedroom. He set him down and grabbed some bandages and clean water. He cleaned up the cut and bandaged his foot.

"Shit, that stings."

"Language, there's a youngster here." Edd smiled and finished up. "There you go. All fixed."

"Thank you." He looked at the bandaging and Edd sat next to him.

"So... Never got your name."

"Matthew. People call me Matt."

"I'm Edd, and that's my sister Grace."

"Nice to meet you." He held out his hand and Edd shook it, blushing a bit.

"Nice to meet you, too. So, where are you from?"

"Uhh..." He grew nervous and started mumbling. "I-It's a small town, you... Probably haven't heard of it. It's across the ocean."

"Oh... Well, Grace and I were raised in this town."

"Where are your parents..? You guys look a little young to be on your own..."

Edd felt a knot form in his stomach and he shook some terrifying thoughts out of his head. "They... They passed a few years ago. Shipwrecked on the Crashing Rocks."

Matt's eyes widened and he put his hand on Edd's shoulder. "I'm sorry..."

"I promised Grace I would stay away from those rocks, but our ship hit them when our captain was drawn in by those damn sirens."

Matt felt guilt creep up his spine, and he was silent.

"Grace would've been all on her own if it weren't for you." Edd smiled and looked over at Matt. "Thank you." Matt's cheeks went red and he covered them.

"You're welcome..."

Edd laughed, and held his hand. "So, how long you gonna be in town for?"

"Not sure."

"You need somewhere to stay? We have an empty room that we usually use for storage, but I could set something up for you."

He turned bright red and moved away a bit. "N-No, you don't have to..."

"Come on, it's no trouble." Edd stood and pulled him up, helping him to the extra room. "Stay here." He ran around the room, pulling down a bedframe and setting up a mattress. He grabbed a blanket and laid it on the bed. "Tada!"

Matt snorted, making Edd blush. He limped over to Edd. "Thank you." Edd smiled wide and Matt sat on the bed. "It's soft."

"It was my parents'. This was their room. We don't use it anymore, really." Edd sat next to him as Grace came in.

"Hey, Edd. Can we talk?"

"Yeah, of course!" He stood and walked out, excited that his new friend got to stay with him. Grace closed the door and sighed.

"You haven't even known him for a day and you're letting him stay here?!" She crossed her arms, upset.

"Well, what was I supposed to do? He saved my life! I had to do something to repay him!"

"You could've just said 'thank you,' patched up his foot and let him be on his way."

"He's got nowhere to stay. Just let him stay for a little while." He put a hand on her shoulder. "For me."

"Alright, fine." She whined.

"Thank you." He hugged her, and went back into the room.

"What was that?" Matt looked back at Edd.

"Nothing, it's fine." He smiled and looked out the window. "It's getting late, I'm going to head to bed." He walked out. "See you tomorrow."

"See you." Matt watched him leave and laid back in the bed. It was a queen size, so he had room to sprawl out. He looked at his arms and there were small scales on his elbows. He felt the lines where the gills were and stared at the ceiling. God, he hadn't meant to stay. He just wanted to talk and then be on his way, but... Something anchored him. Something kept him on land. Was it the way Edd's eyes sparkled when he went on about how he saved him?

He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. He had to get out of town soon, he just wasn't sure when.

Edd had barely known him for a day and he let him stay in his house? What kind of person does that?

Then he remembered what Edd said about his parents.

His parents were killed by sirens.

He probably let him stay because he didn't want another person to be killed out there.

He felt guilty, like it was his fault, like he was the one who killed them, when he knew he wasn't. He knew he was being ridiculous, but the guilt stayed in the back of his mind as he started drifting to sleep. He was awake for a few hours. Sleeping on land was different from sleeping in the ocean. The pressure of the water is gone, and he felt like he was floating in a way. He shut his eyes and eventually fell asleep.

A Siren's Song (Edd x Matt Eddsworld Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now