Captain's Orders

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Edd dropped the nails and ran home. He threw the door open, and Matt jumped, nearly knocking over a lamp.

"Edd! What's wrong?"

"I-I need you at the docks! I'll explain when we get there, come on!" He ran in, grabbed Matt's hand and ran out.

He approached the dock and saw the large ship come near. A young man was standing on the bow of the ship, holding onto the ropes. He had dirty blonde hair swept into two large spikes, and scars were littered across his body. He jumped onto the dock, followed by two other men, distinguished by one's long hair and the other's bushy eyebrows and cigarette.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" He spoke with a very thick accent that Edd couldn't distinguish. "Who's in charge here?"

A man with a large bandanna wrapped around his head stepped forward. "I am."

"Good." He took his sword from the sheath on his waist and hit him on the head with the hilt, knocking him out. Edd gasped, but didn't move. A few people from the ship dragged the unconscious man onto the ship. The pirate looked towards Edd and Tom and walked to them.

"You two are cute, aren't you?" He loomed over them, and gestured to the men behind him. "Paul. Patryck. Take these two back to the ship." He looked back at Edd and Tom. "I'm taking them with me."

The two men grabbed Edd and Tom, holding them tight. They tied them with ropes from the ship. They struggled, but couldn't get free.

Matt grabbed something from a crate and hid it behind his back. He stepped up to him, slightly taller. "Oh, I... Don't think you want those two. I mean, look at them. They're puny." Edd whined, and Matt winked to him while the captain wasn't looking. "Me, however..." The captain looked back and Matt leaned over him a bit and took a hand from behind his back, holding the captain's face. "I'm of much more value, aren't I?"

Edd blushed, watching Matt 'flirt' with the captain. The captain, who Edd guessed was named Tord based on the conversation other sailors from the pirate's ship were having, smiled at Matt.

Matt pulled him up by the collar of his coat and kissed him. Tord pulled him down to the ground, and Matt grabbed his wrists and tied them with a rope he grabbed from the crate.

"What the-?!"

"Sirens. Masters of deception." Matt whispered to Tord, smiling and knocking him down, tying his legs. He held the ropes, standing up straight. "Whose turn is it now?"

Paul and Patryck stepped back a bit, holding onto Edd and Tom. Matt walked towards them, dragging Tord, and looked at Paul.

"You're cute..."

"Back off." Patryck spoke up, pointing a knife at Matt.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't realize he was taken." He smiled and yanked the cigarette from Paul's mouth. "These things will get you killed, you know that?" He dropped it and stepped on it, putting it out. His eyes were a bright purple, and Paul stepped away. He looked at Patryck and faked disappointment. "Well, I guess I won't be getting them back. Oh, well." He held up Tord. "I've got someone new."

He walked towards the center of the docks, humming and pulling Tord with him. Something clicked in them and they let go of the ropes. Their eyes were glazed over, and they seemed to be in some sort of trance. They undid the knots and Edd rubbed his wrists and ankles. Tom had a rope burn from trying to get out.

"Oh! Good!" Matt grinned, dropped Tord and walked over to them, lifting the two up. "Now, if you don't mind, I'll be taking back the man you took from us." He walked up the ramp to the ship and carried their leader down, setting him down and lifting Tord up.

"Put me down! You'll be sorry you messed with me!"

"Yeah, yeah." He pulled Tord up to his face, staring at him with a cold expression. "You do realize that the entire town knows you're here, and the authorities are on their way, right?" He started tying Tord to a wooden post nearby. "You'll be taken to the local jail, likely to spend the rest of your life rotting in a cell." He saw the police run down the street and waved to them. "I got him!"

Edd looked at Matt, a bit uncomfortable with the way he was acting, but he shook it off. The police took the pirates and locked them up in a large cart. Tord grabbed the bars of the small window.

"You're going to regret this!"

"Yeah, okay. And I'm Alexander the Great." Matt grinned and watched them take the pirates away. "Bye!"

Tom walked up behind him and gave him a pat on the back. "Nice work on that."

Matt laughed and started walking home, gesturing for Edd to follow. He did, and closed the door behind Matt when they walked in. Matt sat in one of the chairs, relaxing. Edd was still pretty tense, and he stood by the door. Matt looked over, his eyes still bright purple.

"Hey, Edd, you alright?" He smiled, pulling a chair over for Edd.

"I-I'm fine." He walked over and sat down. Matt turned to him, smiling... Oddly. Something seemed different.

"Y'know... We sirens aren't the best at everything but... We do have a couple... Special talents."

Edd stood and walked towards the door. "Okay, I'm heading outside until this... Whatever it is, passes."

"Aww, come on." Matt followed him and snagged him by the jacket.

"Matt, let go."

Matt twirled him around, making Edd face him and leaned in to kiss him. Edd shoved him away, causing him to fall over.

"What on Earth is the matter with you?! You've been acting weird since we were on the docks!" Edd fixed his jacket, watching Matt, whose eyes were back to normal.

"What..? Edd, what are you-" He went silent, staring at the wall. "What did I do?"

"I can't... Can't describe it all, but it was creepy. You kissed that pirate, and you... Tried to kiss me, and you grabbed my jacket. I told you to let go but you didn't... It really freaked me out."

Matt sat there, staring off into nothingness, lost in his thoughts. Edd walked to him and gently shook him. "Matt..?"

"I have to leave. You aren't safe if I'm here." He stood and ran to his room, gathering his things. Edd ran after him, protesting. Matt had already gathered the few items he had. Edd stood in the doorway, but Matt moved him aside.

"Matt, you can't leave. What you did wasn't you, I don't blame you." Edd continued to follow him, and Matt stepped out the door, looking back at him. He wiped his eyes and slammed the door as Edd ran up to it. Edd stepped back, and collapsed to the floor, crying.

Grace ran out, and saw Edd on the ground.

"He's gone... He left, he's gone, I tried to stop him." Edd clutched his stomach, sobbing.

AN: WOOO IM OFF HIATUS!!! But this means that Sirens Song will be ending soon. I've sorted out an ending for it (don't worry it's happy!!!) and Star Stuff. It's been fun writing these stories, but don't think I'm done writing! I've currently got an original story in the works called Rebirth! It's very, very gay and good and nice!!!

A Siren's Song (Edd x Matt Eddsworld Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now