What You're Made to Do

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(tw for blood)

Matt walked away from Edd's house, his breath shaky and tears running down his cheeks. The cold wind chilled him, and he hugged his arms closer to himself to stay warm.

He reached the cliff and went into the water, transforming. He kept his head above the water, watching Edd's house, when he heard rapid footsteps on the cliff. A small figure, smaller than Edd, jumped off the cliff, legs kicking, and landed in the water, transforming. He dove under to see who it was. It was Grace, and she was panicking. She had never gone into a siren form before, and the air in her lungs was rapidly leaving. He swam over to her and held her, calming her down.

He backed off of her when she was calm, and she looked at him. "Why did you leave?"

Matt felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. "I had to. He's not safe with me there."

"Of course he is! He's the happiest I've seen him since our parents died, and he's perfectly safe."

"Not if I can't control my emotions!" His eyes went red, and his breath was heavy. Grace flinched, and Matt took a few deep breaths. "You... Didn't see what I tried to do. I couldn't control myself, and I almost hurt him. There's nothing you can do to change my mind." He took off his pendant that he used to transform and handed it to Grace. He sped off and Grace followed him. He swam near the surface, heading out into the ocean, near some boats. If he couldn't keep Edd safe, he might as well do what he was programmed to do. He pulled himself onto a nearby rock, and his eyes flashed to purple. He began singing, and yells erupted from the nearby ships as sailors dove off the ships and attempted to restrain their comrades.

Grace caught up to him and climbed onto the rock. "Matt, please, you don't need to do this. Edd needs you."

"I'd only be putting him in danger, Grace. This is what I was made to do." He continued singing, 

"That doesn't mean you have to do it." She pulled herself up to him, and looked out at the ship. "Matt, please. Stop. You can still save them."

"Why should I?" 

"Because my brother was in their situation once, and you saved him."

Something in Matt clicked, and his eyes went back to their normal color. He dove into the water, and swam to the sailors, getting someone to drop the lifeboats and pull them back up. He swam back, looking up at Grace. "We need to get to land. They saw me."


"Grace, they might kill me. We. Need. To. Leave." He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the water. He looked at the captain of the ship and saw him with a harpoon gun, aimed right at them. He dove under and dragged Grace through the water. "Move, move, move!" A harpoon shot into the water, barely missing them. He shoved her ahead and she sped off. "Don't stop! Keep goi-"

Grace looked back and was blinded by a red plume in the water. "MATT!"


Matt was blinded by a plume of red liquid coming from his tail. Blood. He looked down, in shock, and saw that a harpoon had gone into the back of his tail. He heard a scream, but couldn't focus on it. He was growing dizzy, and soon lost consciousness.

Grace swam over to him and inspected his wound. The harpoon didn't go all the way through. She pulled it out, and Matt woke back up, yelling in pain, his voice hoarse. Grace wrapped his arms around her neck and started swimming back to shore.

Grace pulled him onto the sand and took off her bracelet, coughing up the water in her lungs. When she calmed down, she got up and ran back home. She opened the door, her voice still rough, and saw Tom holding a crying Edd.

"Edd, it's Matt. He's hurt." Grace rasped. Edd looked up and immediately sprinted out the door towards the shore. Tom brought Grace inside and warmed her up, since she was still drenched and freezing.

Edd panted as he ran to the beach, tears streaming down his cheeks. He was on top of the cliff and saw Matt on the shore near the bottom. "MATT!" He shouted, and ran down. Matt squinted and weakly smiled at him. Edd crouched down, looking at his tail, which was bleeding on the sand. He saw the pendant in the sand next to Matt and put it on him, twisting it. Matt transformed back into his human shape, and both of his legs had large gashes on the back.

Edd began to panic. He didn't know what to do, and if he didn't act fast, he was going to lose Matt. 

Tom ran towards them, and stopped in his tracks when he saw the blood in the sand. "Oh my god..." He ran back to the house, getting a bucket of clean water and rags. He ran back and put them near Grace, who started to clean Matt's wounds. Edd was holding him close, sobbing.

"Edd. Edd, you need to go get a medic." Matt spoke quietly to him, his voice quite weak. Edd looked at him in shock, gripping Matt's arm.

"No, Matt, I can't... I can't leave you."

"Edd. You need to go get a medic. If you don't, I could die." He planted a kiss on Edd's forehead. "Go. Hurry." He let go and Edd shakily stood up. He looked down at Matt, then raced towards the home of the local doctor.

He hurried up the stairs and pounded on the door. The doctor opened it slightly. "What do you want?"

"It's- It's Matt. He's on the beach, he's bleeding, he's going to die!"

"Ah, the siren boy? I'm on it." He shut the door and emerged, running to the nearest carriage with Edd. Edd looked at him as they started on their way to the beach.

"How did you know about..."

The doctor cut him off. "I don't miss a thing in this town, kid." He jumped off of the cart and ran to Matt once they reached the beach, lifting him up. "Help me get him on the cart! I need to get him to my house, I can operate on him properly there."

Tom and Edd assisted in lifting him into the back of the carriage, and Edd sat next to him, holding his hand. "It's going to be okay, Matt. You'll be okay."

The cart came to a rapid halt at the doctor's house, and they moved Matt into the upstairs makeshift operating room. Edd went to follow him, but the doctor stopped him.

"You can't go in, I need to be alone to focus." He walked Edd out, and Matt weakly reached out for him.

"No, no, I need to be with him!" He tried to push his way back in, but he was shoved out of the room. He could barely get the chance to yell Matt's name before the door was slammed in his face.

A Siren's Song (Edd x Matt Eddsworld Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now