Chapter 25

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"How do I look?" She asks, smoothing out the front of her dress with clammy hands as she looks to Normani for support.

Today's the day. The day. The social worker is due to arrive in fifteen minutes and she can only remember a few days in her entire life where she's been this nervous.

"Amazing as always," Normani reassures, placing her hands on Dinah's arms. "Just take a deep breath. Good."

She feels stronger, almost, with Normani's arms anchoring her. "But what if—"

Normani gives her arms a gentle squeeze. "Hey, no. We've gone through this."

"Regardless of the outcome, we've done our best," Dinah nods in an attempt to convince herself. "Right."

In an effort to sooth away the distressed wrinkles marring Dinah's forehead, Normani pulls Dinah by the hips and kisses her soundly.

"Don't worry. We'll get through this together. Just stay calm."

With a hand resting against Normani's chest, her eyebrow quirks as she pulls away. "Judging by the increased rhythm of your pulse, I daresay you're really not as calm as you seem."

"Fake it till you make it, as the saying goes" Normani shrugs.

Her brow furrows. Sometimes Normani said the damnedest things.

"I'm not even going to ask."

The press of Normani's lips against hers is quick this time, and she leans forward on her toes to prolong the contact just a few moments as Normani pulls back.

"Just relax. It'll be a piece of cake."

"It's an interview to see if we are worthy enough for a child, Normani. This isn't something to be taken lightly."

"She's just someone coming by to get to know us, Dinah," Normani replies, following Dinah around the living room as she makes sure everything is just so. "So just be your usual nerdy, amazing self and we will be fine."

Dinah pointedly looks up from straightening couch cushions. "And what about you?"

Normani smirks with a trademark eyebrow wag, "I'll try to behave."

At that moment, the doorbell rings—the noise instantly increasing Dinah's pulse. She thought she was ready for this—with hours upon hours spent researching potential conversation topics, the statistical chance that they will get approved, staring at the computer screen well into the night until her eyes started to burn—but at this moment doubt creeps in and she thinks that maybe she isn't so prepared after all.

"She's early," she mutters. With a dry mouth and wide eyes, she looks to Normani. "Normani, she's early!"

Normani's eyes dart between the door and Dinah, waiting to see how long, exactly, Dinah will stand there looking shell-shocked and completely out of her element.

"Well answer it!" Normani finally urges after long moments, slightly pushing and pulling Dinah to the door.

After pausing only slightly to gather herself, Dinah pulls the door open. Standing on the other side is a stunning Latina woman with black hair perfectly angled just below her chin.

Her teeth nearly glow as she smiles, and a slight accent colors her words as she says, "Hello, I'm Elena, the social worker assigned to your case. We spoke on the phone?"

"Of course," Dinah nods as she shakes her hand. "It's wonderful to finally meet you. I'm Dinah Hansen," she points to the presence behind her as Elena steps inside, "And this is my partner, Normani Hamilton.

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