Dammit Hailey lolol

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Hailey just did her hair. Hailey is @hailsz by the way. We were talking on kik and this happened.

Hailey: Ahaha I'm like restless now

Me: Ahaha same

Hailey: Aww lol

Me: Lol

Hailey: Lol lets go for a jog

Me: Lol sure dude

Hailey: *attempts to get out of bed* why don't we reschedule? XD

Me: Lol sounds good to me!

Hailey: Lol we'll jog to Starbucks and then order pizza on our way back alright? XD

Me: Lol yeah but we gotta be careful

Hailey: Lol why?

Me: Don't want Peeta shooting us in the back while we're ordering

(It's an inside joke^)

Hailey: XD oh true!! Damn good looking out

Me: XD exactly

Hailey: Lolol is kay cuz I'll just explore him

Hailey: Explode*****

Me: Lolololol omfg

Me: XD

Me: I'm dying

Me: Ahaha

Me: Get it guuuurl

Me: XD

Hailey: Ahaha omfg Lolol oh god I'm literally cracking up and everyone is asleep

Me: I screenshotted that

Hailey: XD omfg lolol

Me: XD omfg I'm on the verge of tears cause if you think about it jfc omfg lolol

Hailey: Hahahaha omfg I might possibly explore him

Me: Omfg I'm dying XD

Hailey: XD lolol

Me: XD lmao

Hailey: Ahaha

my rood has been mined

Hailey: wtf? XD

Then, she had a conversation where she spelled "exd" meaning 'xD'


And there was a bit more but JFC Hailey, you are fucking amazeballs.

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