The Surprise: Part 1

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Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!!
Elena of Avalor, Sofia the First and their characters belong to Disney.

Shuriki was already in the dining room when Esteban and his cousins came down for breakfast. The sorceress and crowned princess were still getting used to the idea of being around each other. Thank Maru for Isabel who ran right up to Shuriki and threw her arms around the displaced queen.

"Good morning, prima!"

Shuriki, caught off guard by the girl's affection, hesitated for a moment before leaning down to return the princess' hug. "Good morning, Isabel."

"You can call me, Isa, if you want," Isabel smiled.

"That's very sweet of you, princess, but I don't think-"

Just then Luisa appeared with a massive platter of panqueques con dulce de leche. Francisco followed close behind with a large tray of empty glasses and four pitchers, each full of either water, apple juice, milk or orange juice.

"Breakfast is ready!"

Lieutenant Gabriel Núñez, the rising star of the royal guard, poked his head into the room. "Did someone say breakfast?"

Another door at the opposite end of the hall opened and in walked their royal wizard in-training, Mateo de Alva, and the harbor master's judicious daughter, Naomi Turner.

Mateo smiled. "Morning everyone."

"I smell food," Naomi said, cutting right to the chase.

"Why don't you all join us," Francisco offered.

"There's plenty here," Luisa agreed.

"Come on you guys!" Elena motioned toward the table. "Have breakfast with us!"

Esteban started to pull out a chair for Shuriki then Isabel tugged on her dress. Shuriki looked down. "Yes, what is it dear?"

"Will you sit with me?" she asked hopefully.

"Well, alright." Shuriki gave Esteban an apologetic smile as Isabel led her to the other side of the table where they each took a seat and started passing around plates filled with fruit which they could eat by itself or use as extra toppings for the pancakes.

Shuriki had just popped a strawberry into her mouth when Naomi turned to her and asked, "So...when's the wedding?"

Shuriki immediately gagged while Esteban inhaled a fair amount of milk which went straight up his nose and out onto the otherwise pristine tablecloth. Francisco raised an eyebrow at his wife who tried unsuccessfully to hide her chortle with a cough.

Gabe had to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. Isabel's smile was like that of a child on Navidad while Mateo hid his behind a napkin.

Elena's inquiring gaze shifted between Shuriki and Esteban before settling on her cousin.

The chancellor was too busy wiping milk off his shirt and scowling at Naomi to notice. "Miss Turner, as I've already asked multiple times, please refrain from discussing such personal matters here at the breakfast table!"

Elena frown. "It's a simple question. Are you going to marry her or not?"

"Everyone, please...can we about something else?" Shuriki begged.

"We haven't really discussed marriage," Esteban admitted,

"Why not?"

Luisa could tell Esteban was getting frustrated just by the tone of his voice. She turned to her granddaughter. "Mija, maybe we should change the subject? I dont think-"

"Because Shuriki doesn't feel comfortable talking about it. Can we please just finish our meal?" Esteban interrupted.


Something inside of Esteban snapped and the chancellor slammed his fist down hard on the table. "Damn it, Elena, I said enough!"

His sudden outburst startled everyone, especially Shuriki. The sorceress offered a quiet apology and excused herself from the table.

"Shuriki, wait." Esteban tried to catch her, but she brushed past him before bursting into tears. Everyone watched her bump into Armando. The steward didn't know what-or rather who-had hit him until the distraught sorceress was already out the door.

Esteban looked to Francisco as if pleading for his advice. The old man nodded. "Go after her, mijo."

Relief flooded Esteban's face as well as his body. "Gracias, Abuelo."

I really hope you enjoyed the first part of this story. I'll add the next part as soon as I can. I want to say thank you to all of my friends and readers for being so patient with me. You're all awesome! I love you guys! Hugs! 😃

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