Chapter 1: The Fated Encounter

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(Y/n) = First Name
(F/C) = Favorite Color
(H/C) = Hair Color
(S/C) = Skin Color

Tanya P.O.V

I stood there in front of the train station of this small town waiting for a half-hour for a member of the research team to arrive and take me to the Cruscos Army Aerial Unit Testing Grounds. I have been waiting here for so long that I began pacing back and forth in front of my suitcase in annoyance.

Me: 'Damn it! What's taking that idiot so long! I've been waiting for half an hour with nothing to do! I swear the moment I see him I will discipline him!' I thought to myself in annoyance.

As I finished that thought, three men walked up to me with smirks on their faces.

Man One: "Well. Well. Well. Why is an adorable little thing like you doing here all alone? Don't you know how unsafe it is for a little girl." he asked me with a stupid look on his face.

I stopped pacing and turn to the three men. This was all I needed today, some pedophile creeping on me. I suppressed the urge to kill him and put a fake smile on my face.

Me: "Oh I'm just waiting for my friend to come and pick me up, mister. So don't worry about little old me." I told him, hoping the piece of shit would take the hint.

Man Three: "Oh come now, you shouldn't be here all by yourself. We wouldn't want you to get hurt now do we?" he said to me with a smile.

I was slowly growing more annoyed by the three men, who weren't taking the hint. All they needed now was a van and they would fit the role of a pedophile perfectly.

Me: "No need to worry about that mister, as you can tell I'm a mage in the Imperial Mage Division, I am more than capable to defend myself. Do you see this medal? It means that I'm an ace and that I already killed a hand full of people in my first battle alone." I told them while pointing at my Silver Wing Assault Medal with a fake smile on my face.

The three men seem to stumble back upon hearing this, but sadly one of the men decided to continue.

(Small timeskip brought to you by Tanya resisting the urge to kill the three pedophiles)

Man Two: "Enough of this! You're coming with us and that's final!" the man said as he violently grabbed my left arm.

As he began to pull my arm, I slide my rifle off my right shoulder with a grin on my face and hit him in the back of his right knee with the butt of my rifle. As he fell to his knees crying in pain, the other two men look at me in shock. I then proceeded to hit the man on the ground with the butt of my rifle before pointing my rifle at the remaining two men that were watching everything unfold with my grin never leaving my face.

Me: "Now do you wish to continue what your friend was doing? If you do, I'll be putting a bullet in each of your heads. So if you don't then get the hell out of my sight!" I stated as I cocked my rifle.

The moment I finish my sentence, they ran to pick up their friend and left. I simply let out a sighed. I kinda wanted to kill them, but that would make me look bad if I killed civilians. Seeing that there wasn't a threat anymore, I placed my rifle back on my right shoulder and turned back to the direction of my suitcase only to spot a kid probably around one or two years older than me in an Black Imperial Officer Uniform with goggles around his neck, a red armband with a strange black symbol, and a black officer cap on his head. He had (S/c) skin, (H/c) hair that reaches past his shoulders, and bright red eyes. He also seemed to be carrying around a medical bag. He was simply standing next to my suitcase with a piece of chocolate in his mouth, a notebook, and a pencil in his hand.

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