Chapter 9: The World On The Brink of War

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

Third Person P.O.V

Everyone in Tanya's battalion felt themselves be pushed back as they flew across the night sky in the rockets. Never had they experienced anything like this. (Y/n) was muttering curses as he never thought he would be fired into the sky in his own creation and he wasn't the only one who that disliked the situation. Tanya was enraged by the situation.

Tanya: "I was supposed to climb the ladder in the rear lines. How did I end up here?" she asked herself.

Thinking the rocket couldn't get any faster, most of the mages on the rockets began getting used to the speed only for the rocket to detach it's boosted making it lighter. Once it did this, it finally used its main engine to its maximum speed. They finally went supersonic resulting in them breaking the sound barrier much to everyone's dismay.

Tanya: 'It's all Being X's fault. Until I pound free-market principles into that piece of shit. I won't die, no matter what! I'm going to live... to live and I'm going to end this game!' she thought to herself angrily.

Tanya: "Everyone, prepare for a non-magic-dependent drop! Release door knockers!" she yelled out to everyone on the radio.

She pulled the lever and the rocket dismantled its self-causing everyone inside her rocket to come out and allowing the head of the rocket to continue its course to the enemy bases. The Republic soldiers guarding the bases were standing around until they heard a strange noise before a large explosion engulfed them. The group with Tanya watched this as they fell from the sky before deploying their parachutes. They slowly descend down to the forest below near their objective before they all landed in separate locations. Once they landed and spotted where Tanya was at, they quickly made their way to her and made a circle with their backs to each other to keep an eye out for the enemy. Tanya grabbed her radio to report in.

Tanya: "Squad One on the ground. No hostile magical signatures. All squads, come in. All squads." she called.

Weiss: "Squad Two on the ground. We've established contact with Squad Three. No hostile magical signatures." he reported in with his squad next to him.

Koenig: "Squad Three here. No hostile magical signatures." he reported in with his squad looking around for enemies.

Tanya: "Status of the projectile from the acceleration device?" she asked while looking at the ball of smoke in the distance.

Weiss: "The door knocker appears to have hit the main target quite precisely. We assume defensive teams at each location are scrambling to respond." he stated causing (Y/n) to grin like a madman hearing that his art worked like a charm.

Tanya: "Good. March with magical camouflage and begin infiltration and sabotage operation. Remove equipment and respond swiftly. Squad Two, you're on target B. Squad Three, on target C. We will take target A. With enemy reinforcements in mind, we have ten minutes to finish. After the attack, retreat at full speed." she told them.

Weiss and Koenig: "Yes, ma'am." they said at the same time.

Tanya: "All troops, move out!" she ordered.

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