Chapter 2: The Devil's Journey at The Rhine

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

Third Person P.O.V

It's been a few days since Tanya and (Y/n) left to go to the Imperial capital of the Empire, Berlun. Currently, Tanya is sitting on a train with First Lieutenant Schwarzkopf, while (Y/n) went off to talk to someone over the radio.

Tanya was a bit curious when she notices that almost everyone was glaring at him expect for herself and everyone who was wearing a red armband with a strange symbol on it. She even notice that Lieutenant Schwarzkopf was wearing one. That's when she began to think about it.

Tanya: 'Now that I think about it...I think I also saw those armbands at Cadet School.' she thought to herself as she looks at Lieutenant Schwarzkopf armband carefully.

Lieutenant Schwarzkopf seemed to notice that his youngest companion was staring at his armband and a kind smile formed on his face.

Lieutenant Schwarzkopf: "Interested? I won't mind telling you about it, but I doubt you would wanna hear about politics at your age" he said with a chuckle.

She looked at him even more curiously. That's when she realized that those armbands most likely represented his political party. But for some reason, the red color and the strange black symbol of the armband felt familiar to her, as if she's seen something similar to it.

Tanya: "Lieutenant Schwarzkopf, I have already killed men much earlier than most. I believe that I handle a little bit of politic." she stated to him as she crossed her arms.

He looked at her for a moment before sighing, he knew that she was right. Someone as young as her wouldn't be a Silver Ace just for show, she already had her taste of war. He looked and smiled.

Lieutenant Schwarzkopf: "Alright, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you about the Namo Party." he told her making her tilt her head in confusion.

Tanya: "Namo?" she questioned him.

Lieutenant Schwarzkopf: "Yes, the Namo party stands for the National Monarchist Empire Party or Namo. It's a party that supports the royal family. We believe that the Empire will always be prosperous under the Emperor's rule. We fight to protect our home and his grace." he told Tanya, who was listening closely to every word he said.

Lieutenant Schwarzkopf: "The party has been growing rapidly recently with major political and military officials joining the party and the leader of the party remains a secret. No one truly knows who he or she is, but rumors say that they are a close advisor to the Emperor himself." he said to Tanya, surprising her.

Tanya: "But if no one knows who the leader is, then who keeps the party stable?" she asked curiously.

Lieutenant Schwarzkopf looked at Tanya with his smile never leaving his face, he was glad by how interested she was in politics. He even thought that she'll join the party. For the good of it or worse.

Lieutenant Schwarzkopf: "That's where things get interesting honestly. For you see, the leader of the Namo party has five of lieutenants to keep things in order and whenever they refer to the leader of the party the always call them as "Major". But recently the Namo party has created a new youth organization for preteens and teenagers such as yourself called the Namo Youth. Right now, the new spokesperson is to give a speech to the new recruits fresh out of Cadet School to inspire them. However, there are other parties but only one of them shares the same interests as us." he told Tanya.

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