Chapter 7: New Responsibilities

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

(Y/n) P.O.V

After landing on the Imperial warship, I was quickly escorted to the infirmary by the seamen on deck. When the doctors and nurses saw me, they were in complete shock. Not only was I shaking because I was soaked from head to toe with freezing water, but I also had one leg covered in blood from the wound I gain from the scary man in red. They quickly set me down and began bandaging me up before giving me spare warm clothing and a blanket as some soldiers helped me back to a private room. Once they left I quickly changed into warm clothing and wrapped myself in the blanket like a cocoon on the bed. I let out a sigh of relief. I could hear the echoes of everyone cheering and celebrating our victory. In all honesty, I nearly had a heart attack twice within the same hour.

First was when I encountered that strange man in red showed up and the second was when I saw Mr. Sue falling to his death. I was thankful that I managed to save him, I just hope those soldiers will be able to get him out of here in time. 

As I laid there in my cocoon, I heard the door open and the voice of a familiar girl with blonde hair.

Tanya: "Heard you got shot before taking a dive into the freezing cold water." I heard her say in a sassy tone.

I sat up to see her with a smug look on her face as she leaned back against the door with a cup of coffee in hand. She walked over to me and sat down on the bed next to me. I gave her a brief rundown on what happened except the part about Mr. Sue. When she asked about why I dove into the water, I quickly said that I accidentally dropped the intel I've collected. Her eyebrow rose when I brought up the intel and I pointed my finger at my medical bag at the corner of the room next to my wet clothing. She stood up and walked over to grab the wet bag to search it. After a few moments of searching, Tanya found the tightly sealed metal box. She opened it to find the wonderful treasure within. 

It held several maps with marked locations of military outposts and bases, there were also important papers that talks about the aid Legadonia were receiving from foreign powers. I could see the large grin on her face once she saw this. Without any hesitation, she walked over to me and did something I never thought she would ever do. She kissed my cheek resulting in my eyes widening. When she pulled away, I could see the sudden realization on her face of what she just did as her cheeks turned slightly red. She cleared her throat as she excused herself as I watched her leave my room in a good mood. I slowly raised my hands up to my cheek as it felt as if it was on fire. I didn't know what to say, I never expected Tanya to ever do something like that so I didn't know what to do. But it did feel nice and I couldn't help but smile a bit. 

Benio: "What are you smiling about?" I heard her say in an angry tone.

I looked back to the door to see Benio crossing her arms.

Me: "We won the battle, so of course I would be smiling." I quickly said to her.

I saw her eyebrow twitch as she slowly walked over to me until she was right next to me looking down at me with anger.

Benio: "So it had nothing to do with our "dear" commander kissing you on the cheek?" she said with venom in her voice.

Me: "That has nothing do with you!" I countered.

Benio: "I'm your fiancée!" she pointed out.

Me: "Which was arranged against our will by our families for an alliance! It's not like you actually want to marry me." I told her.

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