chapter 11

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Brian POV :

" What the hell David? Are you trying to tell me that I've gone bonkers? It was her and I'm sure of it. I saw her standing right in front of me. Whatever, you better hurry and find her or face my wrath. Oh and one thing if I don't see any progress from you within the next twenty-four hours, you won't like it when I'm done with you and that's a promise David" I shout through my phone. Oh god.. it's been a day since Sarah ran away from the diner after seeing me and I have no idea where she ran off to. I tracked her address to give her a pleasant surprise but it was me who got one. I was met with a locked door. When I enquired the neighbors about her whereabouts none of them were willing to help me. Wow, she really did find her way to their hearts with her ridiculous charms. I run my hand through my hair, a habit of mine which I do when I'm overly stressed and right now you can say I'm stressed beyond limit and exhausted with the lack of sleep ever since started seeing her here and there. One minute she is in front of me and the next she disappears. Sean and David are convinced that I've gone crazy but I know that it's her. My heart thumps in my ribcage whenever she is near me. Is she playing games with me or have I really gone crazy? She made me question my sanity and I won't let her be peaceful. I won't sleep until I find her and give her a taste of her own medicine. Just you wait Sarah, it's just a matter of time before I find you.

"Sir, there is a Ms.Patrick waiting outside demanding to see you." My new PA tells me. She is a very polite and kind woman who is in her late forties. I respect her a lot seeing she is the only positive aspect of my dark bitter days. "Yes please let her in Mrs.james." I tell her and turn my attention to the computer in front of me. My work load is piling day by day since I've been distracted lately.
"Hey babe I was really expecting your call last evening. Why didn't you call me?" Michaela purrs at me licking my earlobe as soon as she sets her foot in my office. Eww that's gross. I really don't know what possessed me to have sex with her. These days all she does is nag. Gone is the sweet and smart girl I used to know as my best friend. Wait! What did she say? God! Is she for real now? I practically shoved her away and ran last evening. I don't know which part of 'shouting and shoving her out of the way' meant I will call you later for sex. Sometimes she can get really dumb. "Look Michaela, we might have had this thing going on in the past but I'm putting an end to this right this instant. Let's go back to being proper friends if not then this is goodbye Ms. Patrick see yourself out this instant. Please don't waste my time I'm working." I tell her and tune her out but her parting words caught my attention. "You are really pathetic. It's all about that disgusting thing you once called your wife isn't it? I knew it. You still love her don't you? After all she did to you? You will regret this Whitman mark my words" her words dripping with venom. Who is this woman? Is she really the Michaela I grew up with? What the hell? She left my office after getting nil reaction from me or whatsoever. Though I'm conflicted and raging on the inside I don't show it out and make it seem as though I could care less.

"Sean come to my office right now. I need to talk to you about something very important." I tell him as soon as he picks up the call without bothering to even greet him and cut the call right after those words are out of my mouth. He always hated Michaela and I never knew why. I also know that he is going to start his speech with a 'told you so' once I finish telling him about this morning incident. Michaela was always a sweet and a pleasant person. There is no way she can be this bitter. There must be something wrong with her. That's it! I should ring her up tomorrow maybe and ask her what's wrong. Oh and yeah I should apologize to her before anything for my rude behavior. After all she was the one who helped me find the truth about my conniving and money hungry ex-wife...

Left to wither #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now