chapter 15

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Three years ago....

Brian POV:

"Mr.Whitman there is a lady outside demanding to see you" my PA Ryan tells me effectively bringing me out of my thoughts. Today is our first anniversary. I love Sarah a lot and I've planned the sweetest surprise for today. I cannot wait to see her face when I reveal my surprise. Clearing my thoughts I ask Ryan to let the lady in. 

"Brian I hAve something to tell you or should I say show you" Michaela exclaims with a serious expression on her face. She is my childhood bestfriend and a lovely person. My only other confidant other than Sarah of course. I don't know why but I really have a bad feeling about this. It feels like my life is never going to be the same after today. An intense unknown wave of emotion hits my heart causing me to clutch my fingers around the table and I don't know what to do about this or where it is all coming from.

"What is it Michaela? I don't have time for chit chat as you can see I've got so much to do. Also you know that it's my wedding anniversary so I need to finish as much as work possible since I'm flying to Paris with Sarah" yes there I said it. My anniversary present for Sarah is a vacation in Paris for a week. I'm sure sarah would love it. After all it's her favourite place on the planet.

"Fine here see this" she throws a couple of photos on my table. What I saw in them had my blood boiling and mind completely filled with rage. 'why would you do this to me sarah? I thought I gave you everything. Why did you ruin us? I can never see you the same way again. Please tell me this is not true Sarah although the evidence is right in front of my eyes mocking at me'. I desperately plead in my mind for it all to be a worst nightmare that I would wake up from this and have my wife assure me it's all going to be okay but unfortunately nothing is going to be okay or will ever be....

I immediately fish through my pocket for my phone and call David. David was introduced to me by Michaela and is one hell of an intelligent man. I'm sure he would be able to find all the information about this. "David check your email and start working on them as soon as possible. I want to know if they are real or not". I keep my fingers crossed somehow hoping that David can prove these pictures are fake..

Tick.tock.tick.tock................(after an hour)

My phone goes off and it is David. He is really the best at what he does."Mr.Whitman I'm sorry to say that those pictures are indeed real. Do you want me to do anything else?" He asks me in a polite tone although there is an underlying pity to it. "y-yes can you get me the divorce papers? and that's pretty much it. Thank you" I say stammering a bit and press the end button. I can feel tears clogging up in my eyes making my vision blurry. Just as I'm about to hit the floor Michaela comes up to my rescue cursing Sarah in all the languages that she knew. I accept her support and bawl my eyes out like a baby on her shoulder. 'Sarah you have betrayed me in the worst way possible and one day I'll make sure you feel the same pain you put me through' I promise to myself. Even now my inner self defends Sarah making me feel like shit for even thinking of getting revenge against her.

8 hours later...........

My thoughts are a jumbled mess. I'm confused and hurt. I don't know what to do with myself right now. Mustering all the courage I knock harshly on the door. Immediately I'm greeted with a smiling face of Sarah. One that used to put my mind at ease but now all I can feel is anger towards this women. "Brian I have a great-" she stops at mid sentence looking at the grave expression on my face. She comes a little close to me and I flinch. "Bri i-is everything okay? A-are you fine? What's wrong with you" She stammers.

Anger spreads through my entire body and that's it. The bitch asked for it.. 'Ironically enough everything about her is wrong and here she is asking what's wrong with me? Funny life huh? "you are my problem. You happened and everything went to shit. You are a conniving, lying and money hungry whore who spreads her legs for anything that holds a hefty bank account. So now what huh? What more do you what from me? You married me for my money and is mine not enough for you? You just had to have more don't you?"
She sobs uncontrollably. What a drama queen. 'Well I won't fall for it anymore darling' I think to myself and roll my eyes.

"No Brian you know it's not true. I loved and love you for who you are as a person but never for your money. Why would you accuse me of such a thing" she says still bawling her eyes out. 'God how pathetic can she get. Can she not atleast accept her mistakes? Is she that much of a bitch? Have I been blinded by love the whole time that I failed to see her true colors?' Enough is enough.

"I want a divorce. I don't want to see your face ever again in my life. Leave this house  right this instant. I don't want such a vile woman in my life. Your innocent act is over. Stop acting and get lost. Oh and don't ever dream of taking anything that I gave you. You leave with what you had while you entered this joke of a marriage" I tell her in the most ruthless and cold tone I could muster while I'm breaking apart on the inside.

"I don't want even a penny from you. I'm my own person and I've been independent all my life. I know how to take care of myself just fine.. I just want to say one last thing" she says in a hoarse whisper maybe due to all the fake crying? Now what is that she is going to tell me? I honestly am done with her acting skills. I've seen so much for a day. My god! What a irritating woman."What the hell do you want now? More money? Sorry I don't do charity to whores" I say with a chuckle because that's what she is and I'm finding it fucking hard to believe that. I keep looking at her expectantly and follow the movement of her hand to her stomach which I assume is over it in a protective stance. 'Is she?' My eyes go wide as saucers. 'How dare she? I officially fucking hate her'. Rage completely fills me and i'm seething.

"You and that bastard baby can go die for all I care" with that I push her out of the house after getting her sign on the divorce papers. God! That baby could have been mine but she ruined it all. I hate her. 'I hate you Sarah I really really hate you' with that I go to the bar and drown myself in alcohol the only thing that can take away all my pain.........

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