Letters letters letters

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Jemma sat on her bed with the letter in her hand:

Dear Jemma,

Hey, soooo...

yea i have no clue what to say. Conner is watching me write this like the little ass he is. He just asked if you were my girlfriend. Now he want's your number. So i guess all i have to say is that i'm ok. I'm not hurt or dying, i might be home for Christmas.

Ok that was a lie.

the truth is i'm being deployed next month. Apparently i don't need the training. that means i have one month to write letters to you. that's it.

Is everything ok with you? is the gang ok? Sav, Ryan? Is Jem doing ok? Sorry i left such sort notice. ummm. do i even what to know how the Trancy's are? 

I gotta go.

Love you Jemma.

~Dean {The light side}

Tears streamed down Jemma's face. Dean was being deployed. To come home in a casket. He mother knocked on her door.

"Jemma? you ok?" Jem opened the door slowly.

"He's being deployed!" Jemma screamed and threw the letter on the ground and pushed past her mother and out the door, down the street, to the playground on the north side.

For the next month everything would be stress.

The letters would come one at a time.

The clock would count down too quickly.

Ace would slowly change.

The demon would become hungrier and hungrier.

Jemma would with draw.

They would be silent until...

a text.


Three months later:

Dean was lying with Conner next to him. Their snipers keeping the American flag standing. The enemies fire was unrelenting. The small island was now a bloody battle field. An enemy sniper shot and Conner fell silent, his hands still on the trigger but no longer full of heat.

One of the enemies bullets flew through the air and burrowed into Deans chest, his color bone shattered. The tattoo Felix had gotten his son was ruined and covered with blood and dirt. The enemy cheered thinking they had killed everyone that wasn't one of their own. The American Flag was falling.

Dean's head rocketed up and he swaggered up. The enemy yelled and guns were up in record time. Dean sprinted forwards dropping his helmet and his other heavy objects. His legs worked faster than they ever had. His uniform was torn and blood dripped from the bullet wound. He reached the top of the cliff when he fell to the ground. A bullet whizzed by his head.


His hand caught the Flag and he pulled a pistol from his  uniform and shot the snipers. They fell dead and he stood up strong. He stood the flag up and the wind swirled old Glory around. The cool breeze flowed through his black hair and for the first time in a long long time he smiled.

He stood looking out at the island. The cliff was high up, very high up. the cool wind blew through his hair. For some reason before this battle he grabbed his cell. He took  a picture of the sun high in the sky and the water glistening.

He sent it.


Jemma's phone buzzed in her pocket and her eyes widened when Dean's number showed up in her text messages.

The high view of an island and the words saying "i'm coming home" lifted a weight off of her heart

Tears welled in her eyes and she grabbed the nearest person to her in the hall way, which just happened to be Ace, and hugged him tightly.

"J-Jemma?" he stuttered.

"He's ok!" she cheered.

"He's ok?"

"He's alive!" she smiled.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her twirling her around, "He's Alive!"

Ace put her down and took her hand and they tore down the hallway and out the front doors the freezing cold air not fazing them. They went to Jemma's house and she showed him the text.

"He's coming home" Ace sighed, "he's coming home"


"Dean"  his commander came up to him looking out at the water, "You did good solider".

Dean nodded.

"Dean you're really beat up, we're gonna fix you up then send you to Russia"

"Russia!" Dean gasped.

"There is an outbreak riot there and we need people like you to be there"

"But sir" Dean begged.

"No buts Dean" His commander spun on his heels and walked off leaving Dean in the dust.

The beautiful outlook was no long amazing glory to him. it was the miles between him and his family. it was the space between his home town and him. it was the distance between him and killing that demon.


Short chappy, sorry :P 

New story is up tho, The Era Of Miracles is a story i can't wait to write.

~Tess xoxo

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