Okay ...?

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Arturo pov

I just finished beating peters ass for dancing with my mate ... I am now processing what she just told me ... For one I don't like the tone she used with me ... for I'm the alpha not her .... well not yet ... for three I just wanted to stay quiet she was really serious about what she just said and I can under stand where she's coming from ...

I don't want to lose her so I decide to talk to her later so ill be more calm .

Now we are walking back to the party where the rest of her family is . during the walk I am trying to be nice ....

" So star ...!? how do...." was all I could say when she cuts me off, " Dont call me star ....!!! I said you have to start from square one first and from their we will work on this from their ....!! Arturo ....!" I'm in some big ass trouble with her she only made me call her be her name when she was more then just mad at me ... some thing tells me that this is gonna be a long ass square one ,...!

" Okay ..?! crystal how was your first day ...?" I said trying so hard not to yell at her for the way she was talking to me ...

" I like it ..." we were at the party within a couple of seconds every body was still parting drink beer .

" Crystal ill help find the kids and then we will leave I don't want them to see this ..!" She just looks at me and nods her head . " Okay ... ill meet you here ....". Then she was off I wen red off to find the kids.

"Judi...!!! " I see Judith hiding under the table ... I get down to her level to see if it is Judith ... it is Judith and drake ... " Hey you guys come on its time to go home you two ..." was all I said they both came out from under the table . Where the drinks of beer was ... I look around to see adults teenagers drinking. "hey come ill Carry you guys ... out of here ... " . I said I can tell that they are about to pass out from being to sleepy ... I picked up both of them and walked over to the spot where I was suppose to wait for crystal ...

I walk over to see two sleeping little girls on her and she is just so beautiful ... They way she is rocking them to sleep ...

Her eyes widen when she finally notice s that I've been staring at her and me slowly walking over with two little ones in my arms ...

I walk right up to her smirking at her with those two kids in her arms just think that will be our one day ...

" Ready To go ..?" I ask in a soft voice so I wouldn't wake the kids...

" Yea .. " She says close to a whisper ...

We walk side by side carrying little ones in our arms ...

" Thank you for your help ...!" she says in the most cutest way ever... "your welcome I'm your mate I'm suppose to help you and be their for you every step of the way ... instead of ... you know what I was doing before..."

" I didn't want the kids to seethe adults and every one else just being drunk ..." I said honestly to her I know she felt the same way ...

By time I knew it we were at her house . I was putting drake in his bed just after Judith ....

I walk out of his room just like I did with Judith ... I went down to the living room to where crystal was at . watching tv of the sofa with her dolphin blanket I got her three years ago ... for her birthday ..

" I see some one still has her blanket ...!?" I said teasingly towards her ... she just looks at me and blushes ...

"Oh well yea ... " She says softly to me .

" Crystal I did to talk to you please their is some thing I want to get off my chest ... but promise that you won't get mad ...!?" She nods her head and pats down on the sofa so I could talk to her.

" What is it .. Arturo ... I'm listening what do you want to talk about ..!?"

" For one I don't like your tone when we were talking earlier ... crystal I know I hurt you so much but I under stand why you are being like this to protect your self and them ... up their ... i know I haven't made it easy for you but I'm here now .. I don't mind being on square one I Desiree that much since I've done this to you ... but just tell me what I need to do and ill do it ... ! I can't make any promises on my anger but please try not to be around any guys if you can that would really help me alot ... but every once in a while tell me if I'm make progress on us ...! tell me right there and then that I need to stop doing so thing ..I know to work on it ... I need your touch crystal and I will wait until you are ready to hold hands with each other ... Hold each other kiss one an other .... I will wait for you crystal ... I will always will ... you are my mate and I need you ... I need us to work ... on are relationship so I could have you to myself ... "

" Arturo I will try to stay away from other guys just to help you with your anger but please know I'm your mate not a piece of ass nor property ... Thank you for being so honest with me ... Would you like to stay ...over to watch tv ...or maybe a movie !?". She asks cheerfully ....

" Ill start the popcorn ... while you pick the movie ... !!! " I said while walking over the kitchen ...

3 minutes later ......

I walked back to were I last saw crystal in the living room .. I can see she has decided to watch step it up 3 since its already sit and all she needs to do is press play .

I walk to the sofa right next to her to with the big fat huge bowl of popcorn so we could share . she pulls the blanket over so I could share it with her .. We watched the movie and are popcorn during the movie I've notice that she was asleep on my chest . I watched the rest of the movie and ate the rest of the popcorn .. I turned of the tv and just say their while she was here on me using me as a pillow ...

I picked her small body so she wouldn't be so stiff I put her in her bedroom and put her under the covers and kiss her forehead ... I then went down to the sofa and I decide to sleep there. I want to sleep with her in her bed so we can snuggle together as mates ... but I don't want to get on her bad side and screw up the chance she has Gavin me . I use her blanket that I gave her to sleep with ... not a second to so I was a letting the sleepiness take over my eye lids and the I fell a sleep.

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