No not my ...!?

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Crystal p o v

I see Arturo our alpha and my best friend in the whole wide world ... I'm shock to see him but his face says it all .. I know that look that means rogues are on our territory .

I bowed my head and rushed up to the front of the door to meet him . He dragged me outside in to the woods that was right next to our school . he stripped in front of me and I will always turn around so he could strip ...

For one I respect my best friend and I don't want to see him butt naked . besides he always made my turn around and as soon as he changes into his wolf he would come up behide me and nudges me in the back of the knee or a arm, leg Or my hand ..., or he would lick me if he would see skin that he could lick .... This time he nudes the my arm to make me look at him .

Now I'm in front of a very large hug wolf that is a black big wolf that is maybe 5-6 ish feet tall ...!!! I climb on top of his back and I nudge the side of shoulder with me foot which was a sign telling him that I was ready for him to dash off.

It only takes us less then two minutes to get to his house where his mom was . As soon as we got their he slowed down a little and I jumped off his back and ran in side Arturo house.

I found his mom looking straight at me and I nod my head . her eyes widen and I take her the hiding spot where she would go when Arturo and I were younger if their was a rogues attack .

It feels like hours that the Luna and I are both in this hiding spot . we both don't say a word since I got there in her house. we both know that I'm not 16 yet so if we did have rogues here I would mostly like be died . Rogues will kill any one and any thing in their way so if any thing happen I wouldn't be much help to save the luna .

Then finally Arturo comes and gives us the okay it's safe to come out now knock . But just to be sure I go first with a knife in my hand and the other on my side under my black t-shirt . I come out to see if its him and it is Arturo right there he helps me out of the small spot where we would use to hide . I help his mom out and then I notice that Arturo is crying ... I also see the bone head jake trying not to look at me ...

" What is Arturo ....!? What is it ....?! or should I say who is it ...!? " I ask him hoping it ... wouldn't be some one I know ...

" Crystal ... star This isn't eat to say ... I'm sorry but your parents are... are... they aren't around any more I'm sorry they fought a good fight star ... I'm so sorry I wish I could of gotten their soon to help them .. Star the same thing with your aunt carlen and your uncle frank they didn't make it ..."

I could feel tears rowing down my face before Arturo comes in to give me a hug I push him a way ...

" Uh I should be going now I need to fine Judi and tell her about our parents and I need to get my cousins drake... and the two baby twins Sarah and Eliz .."

I look down looking away from then and I ran out of his house and went to go find my younger cousins and my sister ..

I went to the school and Judi isn't their so I went home to see of my gramps have her at home. she is at home with him and., drake... Amy and Eliz ... I can see that the kids are crying and I guess he judged finished telling them about what happen ... the kids rush over to me and I try to be strong for them and my gramps ...

He just nods his head and I look down at the floor ... " Ill be back later star ..." My gramps calls me star because that was his nick name for me ... ever since I can remember he always called me star . we would always look up at the sky before I went to bed so that's how I got my nick name ... Arturo started to call me star every once in a while .

I put the the Amy and Eliz up into their spare room where they would have a place to sleep when they were over .

Drake and Judith went to the living room . to watch tv. ...

What am I going to do with four kids I can't get my gramps to help he's to old to be chasing Eliz and Amy around every day even with drake being a pain in a ass ...!!!

How am I going to keep them together ....!? I'm not going to spilt them up no matter what happens ... Do many thing I have to think about ... How am I going to get money to feed all of us ...?! how will I get a baby sitter if their is a rogues attack ...!!!?

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