The truth beind the scars

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poppys pov

Emily we have 3 horses to ride before the boys get here for there lesson,  how about you ride 1 in the lesson and we do some jumping with the other 2 before they come

sounds good to me, who needs riding ?

storm but I'm riding him, ebony and comet so pick your ride.

I'll ride Ebony now and Comet in the lesson

right were jumping and maybe a bit of down and out at the end.

sounds good to me should we go tack up

yer that might help

Harrys pov

guys hurry up, and don't wear jeans or any tight trousers because you might rip them

ok Harry you've told us quite a few times now and by the way we're all waiting for you to put your shoes on and get in your car to drive us to Poppys, considering your the only one that knows where she lives

oh right sorry guys I guess I'm just nervous I haven't actually been to her house before and I haven't rode in years and the last time I rode I had to watch Poppy and one of her good horses jump and well she jumped a 5 bar gate and the horse didn't quite clear the jump and it rotated over the jump and came straight down on top of Poppy... and well Poppy didn't talk for ages and didn't move, I honestly thought I'd lost her, I called an ambulance and she got took to hospital, the horse had a lucky escape with only a couple of grazes, but poppy was out for a few days and whe she woke up she was just worried about if she'd missed my x factor audition, she was happy when I told her that it wasn't until 4 weeks later but she had 4 broken ribs and she had a hoof print scar on the top of her right arm where the horse had stood on her and split her arm open.  Her mum and dad told her she wasn't allowed to ride anymore and that they were selling all of her horses, but at this point she was ranked one of the top young rider's in Britain, so her being her refused to stop riding and her mum and dad through her out, and thats when we all started to form a band, there was me, Poppy, Cody, Josh and Drake. We started doing gigs here and there and we all chiped in to help keep two of Poppys horses and we all helped her find a flat where we could keep all of our band stuff and where we would be alright rehearsing, but after 2 weeks Drake and Josh moved away and the band stopped. Thats when Poppys riding career started kicking off again she had two of her own horses but they were both to young to ride so she used to be a jockey. She won the competition that ranked her the top youngest Rider in Europe and I went in the x factor and got through, we stayed in touch but I told her that it would take her a while to get me back on a horse because I don't want to see anything like her fall again but I think 2 years is long enough.

I never knew you went through something like that and well how did Poppy even have the guts to get back on a horse after that?

she got back on a horse 2 days after coming out of the hospital  she just strapped her ribs up and rode, she rode 6 competitions with 4 broken ribs but she won all of them

She must be one tough girl to do that, we can see why you like her Harry, I think you two would be perfect for each other

Thanks guys, I think we should get going, before I decide I don't want to go

Poppys pov

Are you prepared to lose Emily?

No because I think me and Ebony are going to beat you and Storm

Are you forgetting that this horse is ranked the 2nd best eventer in Britain, just behind Snowy hey?

No but Ebony is Ranked 3rd so there's not much difference so it should be a good competition

ok so should we start with 1 metre ?

yer considering these guys can jump over 2 metres so we could be here for a while

ok lets go

come in storm i know you can do it, your not like your hot headed mum who put me in that coma and we're over

good boy Storm

just as I thought Ebony was straight over to

1 metre 20 you can go first Emily

ok then you can go first after good boy Ebony

come on Storm

good boy

1 metre 40

you can do it

good boy thats why your number 2

and Ebonys over

we kept going like this both of the horses clearing them with ease until it got to 2 metres and thats when Ebony started to slack and kept dropping his back legs

2 metres 50

Do you want to drop out Emily, Ebonys looking tired and he hasn't been picking his back feet up

im fine we'll try this one

ok off you go


and your out Emily

yer but you haven't won until you jump it and if it comes down its a draw but if it stays up then you can call your self a winner

ok come in Storm you can do it

come on make me proud, make me realise I made the right decision keeping you and Snowy when my dad disowned me remember I did it all for you. I felt us rise up and up and then after what felt like forever we were dropping back down to the floor and cantering off at the other side and the pole was still up

woooop well done Poppy

great jump, but please tell me were not jumping that big

no your not guys and when did you get here?

About 5 minutes ago

ok we'll just put these guys back and get your mighty steeds ready

Harrys pov

when we came round the corner to see them jumping, my heart was in my mouth and the fact she was riding the son of the mere that almost cost her most of her friends and family just made me shake, but then I realised the 2 horses where nothing like each other.

I wonder who we'll all be riding?

I can answer that Liam your riding Jack, Naill your on Buddy, Zayn your on Star, Louis your on Scooby, Harry your on Snowy and Emily go and get comet for you.

Poppys pov

You put Harry on the number 1 eventer in Britain and the rest of the lads on the other horses that are all in the top 10 and then me on the one thats only number 20, I just don't get you sometimes Poppy

ow does someone feel a bit annoyed about earlier when I wooped your arse at down and out

I put you on comet because he needs an experience rider considering he tried to throw me off the other day and we don't need any of the lads coming off on thier first lesson now do we?

I suppose not

you can ride Snowy tomorrow but you did ride number 3 earlier

Shut up

right is everyone ready for there first lesson then ?

yeah ok lets start then.


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lizzy xx

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