Chapter Eight ~

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Mitch yawned, feeling tired. Their nerf battle has been going on for over an hour, and Jason and Zoe were no where to be found. Savi sighed and looked out the window. It was about 6pm and it was still lovely and sunny outside. From the window, Savannah could see small snowflakes start to fall from the sky. "It's snowing." She smiled and turned to Mitch. "Can we go outside?" 

The pair felt the small snowflakes hit their warm skin, melting immediately. Gradually, the snowfall became heavier and the snow started to lay on the ground. "It's so cold..." Mitch whined. "Excuse me Mr. Canadian, is it too cold for you?" Savannah teased.

"Fire!" Jason yelled as he and Zoe leaned out seperate windows to shoot the unexpecing pair. Savannah screamed and ran for her life, almost getting shot by Jason. Mitch hid behind Adam's car and tried to shoot Zoe down. One of his bullets hit her right on the nose, making her giggle and dramatically fake her death. "Oh Jason! I'm not going to make it. Go on without me..." 

"No! Zoe! I need you on this team!" Jason cried as he faked a few tears. "Please, you can do it." And then Zoe faked her own death. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THISS!!!!!!!!!!" Jason yelled and ran down the stairs to meet Mitch, who he shot straight in the chest. Mitch fell to the floor. "It's just you Savi!" Mitch yelled before 'dying' as well. 

Savannah was hidden behind the massive pool. There was a staircase that led to a small porch, giving her a good view of the house and the area around it. She saw Jason creep around the corner cautiously, the snow on the ground crunching under his feet. He looked everywhere but where she was. She pointed her gun at his head, shooting a bullet, making a successful hit. She jumped up and down in excitement. 

"I DEED IT! I WON DA HUNGA GAMEZZZ! MITCH YOU HEAR THAT? I AM THE ULTIMATE BACCA!!!!!!!" She screamed in victory as she ran over to Mitch. "Congrats girl! A very nice addition to the team." "Whoa no. Team Bacca for the win." She smirked and went back into the house to find Zoe.


The doorbell rang, again. Whoever was there was impaitent. Mitch ran to the door, answering it and discovering the pizza man had arrived with their dinner. The pizza man was shivering and covered in snow. Mitch noticed how quickly the snow was falling and piling up. Already at about ten inches. But oh well, he's Canadian afterall. He could handle snow.

Mitch smiled and welcomed the man before handing over the money he required. "Jason! Help me out?" Mitch yelled. Jason ran down the stairs and grabbed the multiple boxes of pizza. "Thank you!" They both yelled in sync. 

"EVERYONEEE! PIZZA HAS ARRIVEDDDD!" Mitch announced. Everyone came running downstairs, Zoe in the lead, with Jerome hot on her tail. "I call first slice!" Adam yelled from the back of the small crowd. This caused groans, the loudest groan belonging to Zoe. 

After they all got their pizza they sat down in the living room and put on tv. They decided on watching Mean Girls, much to the girl's delight. About halfway through, everyone started argueing on who they'd be.

"No way! I'd soo be Regina." Jerome sassed Adam, who claimed he was most like Regina. 

"Are you kidding? You're like Gretchen. Always trying to make 'fetch' happen. It's NEVER going to happen!" Adam fired back. The group "ooooh'ed" at the two fighting. 

"Whatever, I'm so Regina's mom." Savannah laughed. Much to her surprise, no one argued. "I think Zoe is Karen. Blonde and dumb." Zoe gasped and hit her arm. "How rude!"

"I dunno. Seems accurate." Mitch smirked. "Oh shut up Mr. Canadian who can't handle the snow." 

"Ooooh I think Zoe is Regina." Ian said. Everyone laughed. 

Ty looked out the window, but he couldn't actually see anything. "Uh guys..." He managed to say, pointing to the window. 

"Holy shit!" Quentin yelled. Everyone ran over to the window, managing to see out of a 3 inch gap at the very top of the window. Nothing but snow could be seen. 

"Do you guys think school will be canceled tomorrow?" Savannah asked.

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