Chapter 1

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My alarm clock went off once again as I buried my face deeper into my pillow. I heard the door open and the blinds shoot up rapidly, letting the sun shine through my room.

"College! We going to college!" My dad screamed his made up song so loud the neighbors probably heard. I laughed and sat up tiredly.

"Your that ready to get rid of me?" I asked sarcastically as my mom entered my room. She sat beside me and smiled,

"We have to be at the school by eight so GET A MOVE ON! The boys already moved most of your belongings so put this outfit on. LEGO!" She screamed and handed me a pile of clothes. I got out of the bed and they danced out of the room singing my dads made up song once again. She meant my dad and brothers as in boys. I have an older one named Dillon, he's 21 and lives in Colorado instead of San Diego with all of us. He lives in keystone and has a snowboarding shop out there. My other brother is named Ryan, he's 15 and twins with my younger sister Lidia. The twins are sophomores.

My family is... lets just say special. They are quite extrordinary. They are always the life of the parties or the popular ones. I am nothing like them in that way. I think of myself as, the outcaster. The one that no one can tell if I was related or adopted. It makes me upset sometimes but I get over it. I worry about school while they all wory about social experiences. Im not saying im one of those socially awkward teacher pets, im just saying, im nothing special. Just the average normal girl with a wild imagination.

I put on the white tank top and black jeans. Along with a white cardigan with blue and brown tribal prints on it. I put on my white knitted leg warmers and leather brown boots. A very weather inappropriate outfit considering the forecast for today was supposed to be sunny. I walked across the hall to my sister and I's bathroom to get ready. I fixed my hair then carefully slide a white knitted beanie on top of my straightened light brown hair. I put on my makeup and packed the remaining toiletries and decorations for my college dorm.

I cant wait to go to college. I'm roommates with a girl named Mia, from what my freshman manual and information packet stated. My best friend Caroline, that I have known since I was born lives in room 392, eight doors down from me, she's already been at college for a year so she's going to show me the ropes. My other good friend, Rebecca lives in 397, three doors down from me. We have been kind of drifting away so hopefully college will bring us closer.

I'm kind of nervous to be living with someone for four years that I have never met. Why can't we just pick our own roommates? It would save a lot of time and trouble. I dont know if theyll be a burdon or an excitment upon my college experience.

I ran down the stairs and grabbed a piece of bacon, or five... off the kitchen counter. I put my remaining boxes into my truck. I came back inside and sat next to Lidia and ate almost all of the pancakes.

Once it was time to leave I hugged my younger siblings goodbye. Dillon and I rode in my blue raptor while he drove.

"You still don't trust me to drive? I've been driving for like three years." I whined from the passenger seat.

"And I've been driving for like 6 years. I just don't want you to run over every curb in site." He laughed.

"That was once time!" I defended myself, "And besides I was 15. It was my first time driving, you could of gave me some tips!" I nudged his shoulder as he laughed at me.

"Well I'm 18 now and I believe im a very.... okay driver." I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him as he stuck his out as well.

We finally pulled into the San Diego State University parking lot after a 45 minuet drive. We each grabbed a box, my dad grabbed two, and walked into the dorm building. There were four buildings, the main building and showers, the dorms, the academic building and the athletic building.

We rode up the elevator to the 3rd floor. Once I saw the floor, I was in awe. It looked like a really nice resort. The only colors on the floor were silver, navy blue, black white and gray but mostly silver and blue. There was a kitchen, lounge, and a dinning hall in the middle with the rooms surrounding it. The room number for our floor ranged from 301-400. The first floor was from 101-200, the second was from 201-300, and the fourth was from 401-500.

We all walked down to the very last room on the floor, room 400, my room. I finally saw the silver letter on the navy door reading 400. I nervously turned the key and opened the door slowly. Just as I had expected, my roommate was already there with her side claimed. I took the right side. When she turned around I heard Dillon try to hold in a laugh. All I could think was, God no. She was you average "fake" girl and I sure hoped she had a good personality. Her face was so much darker than her body and it was orange. Her fake eyelashes were really thick and touched her eyebrows that were perfectly plucked. Her eye shadow was pink, green, white and terrible. At least she dressed modestly. I tried to smile and extended my hand.

"Hi my names Annemarie. You can call me Anne, Annie, or Marie." I smiled and hock her hand.

"I'm Mia." She spoke really nicely. She smiled brightly and I knew I was going to like her, or at least thought.

My family soon left telling me to call them everyday. I told Mia I was going to see my friend. She looked a little upset but smiled and told me to have fun.

I walked to room 392 and knocked on Caroline's door. she opened it and jumped into my arms.

"Annie! My gawd lady I haven't seen you for less than 24 hours! how have you been?!" She screamed. I laughed.

"I'm great Care! Wanna see meh room?!?" She jumped off me and we walked to the room. once I opened the door here eyes landed on Mia and she let out a gasp.

"Oh my god!" I hit her side, "um, the, the rooms so breath taking." she tried not to smile. nice save Caroline, real nice. We walked out and we cracked up.

"All the rooms are the same you dunce!" I whispered screamed from the hallway.

"oh shuddup like she can tell with the ten pound eye lashes covering her eyes."

she smiled. I laughed the she clapped her hands together and put on her serious face.

"Time for the tour. Okay so every floor in the dorm building are different colors. I guess they do that so you dont get lost? Anyway our colors are navy and silver, as you can tell. Floor ones colors are red and gold, my personal favorite floor's color scheme. Seconds floor is green and brown, third floor witch is our floor and the fourth floor's are beige and white. The fourth floor's really pretty too." She showed me around the whole dorm building and where my classes were in the other buildings.

"I'm going to go to bed," I yawned as we got back to our floor, "tomorrow I have my first classes and the gay freshman ceremony. night Care." I spoke with an aspirated sigh.

"hehe have fun bro," she hugged me and walked off.

I grabbed clothes and when to the shower room. there were seperate gender rooms, thank god. They are actually really nice. They have stalls and sink areas but also locking shower rooms that look like stalls with the bottom open. Our shower rooms walls are blue with silver decorations and back granite stalls.

Once I was done with that I came back into the dorm, and instantly fell asleep in my blue and white cloud sheets.

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this is my new book


hope yall like it


its kinda boring so far itll get better i hope


oh and btw its a luke hemmings fanfic


bc hes perfect


no discussion needed




ily ---- AnnaXxx

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