Chapter 11

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"Don't touch me," I yell obviously being a little taken back. "you wanted to talk so go ahead. Talk." I crossed my arms over my chest and took a step back.

"I really think we should get back together. I miss you," he stepped towards me while I stood my ground.

"If I got back together with you how would I be able to trust you again after everything you've done to me?" I asked while droping my tough girl act. I was scared. Scared of making a wrong decision.

"Just give me another chance, please baby, I'm sorry about cheating but I mean everyone does it at least once you know?" he kissed my hand as I gulped.

"Tyler I have already given you too many chances. And no. Not everyone cheats at least once. I haven't and I know I won't," I looked into his brown eyes as he tried to trick me again, and if I may say, it was working. We had a make up break up relationship in the past but I needed it to stop here.

"I love you Annemarie, please. I love you so much. I can fix everything you just need to let me. I know your broken but I can fix you, I've done it before," he grabed both of my hands.

"Don't call me that. Youce never done anything except hurt me. Mentally and physically," I looked to my shoes trying to avoid eye contact.

"Annie, please," he picked my chin up, forcing me to look up to his body. I shook out of his grasp and took a step back once more.

"You always do this. You always tell me you love me and you can fix me and that you can help me but you never do. You have hurt me so much Ty and I don't think I can deal with anymore pain. You tell me your sorry and you didn't mean to hurt me and I fall for it again and again. But I'm done. I know your the only one who will even come close to loving me but if this is how your going to treat me? Then I don't want to be loved. Not by you not by myself not by anyone if its going to cause me this much pain without any reward. At the beginning of our relationship you treated me like a princess and I was in love with you. But as time went by, you would build me up just to tare me down and I'm not letting you do it again." I whiped away a tear that had just fallen.

He stood there for a moment, thinking, until he stepped close to me.

"Do you have another boyfriend or something? Because normally you'd take me back in a heartbeat." he growled through gritted teeth.

"What? No I wouldn't!" I tried to defend myself.

"Oh please. You know your worthless and no one will ever put you first and no one would ever love you. You know im way too good for you. So tell me, who is it you slut. Who are you fooling around with this time." He advanced towards me, grabing my arms tightly.

"No one. I'm not with anyone." I mumbled while he shook me and held my shoulders tighter. I winced in pain as he picked me off of the ground by my shoulders.

"Who is it!" He yelled as I cried.

"No one! I swear I'm not with anyone. Please let me go," I sobed in the air.

"Im not gonna let you go! Your mine." he squeezed me tighter as I cried more.

"Who is it!" He yelled.

"Put her down!" The accent I loved shouted from behind Tyler. His fist connected with his kidney as I fell onto the gravel track and out of Tylers grasp. I layed there in shock as Luke attacked.

"Don't touch her ever again! " Luke screamed while he sat ontop of Tyler and slammed his fists into his face over and over. I pulled myself off the ground and ran to Luke.

"Luke! Stop!" was the only thing i could scream while I tried to pull Luke off of Tyler while he didn't budge.

Every inch of Tyler's face was busted open as his eyes started to close.

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