Chapter 2

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A loud sound went off as I jolted from bed now fully awake.

"Freshies welcome!" I could hear boys yelling. I opened my eyes to see five or six upperclassmen standing in tank tops and black boxers. They laughed and claped then screamed on there megaphone.

"All freshies meet in the pods now!" After that they ran to the pod. Since ours was the last room we were probably the last woken up. Mia, covered in now smeared, dripping makeup. it must be awful for her complection to sleep in that much makeup. Maybe thats why she doesnt take it off, becausee her complection is ruiend.

We made our way out of our room into the Wolves team pod. All of the fressman were sitting around in there sleeping wear. Before I excited my room I threw a sweatshirt on top of my tank top and sweatpants ontop of my spandex volleyball shorts.

What looked like the senior students leaded a very involved and informative seminar. Note, I was being sarcastic...

"Here on the 3rd floor, we prank people. So don't mess with people or we'll mess with you! We'll actually mess with you wither way! Now everyone back to bed its past curfew!"

They finished there little speech with shaving cream being sprayed on us from multiple angles. Caroline forgot to meantion this little fiasco.

I became furious once the white shaving cream covered my favorite sweatpants. I quickly ran to the showers before anyone else.

I tried to find a stall that wasnt occupied before noticing a urnal in the corner of my eye. I gasped and covered my mouth. I was in the mens by mistake. I tried to run out before anyone saw and luckily I made it into a girl stall before anyone noticed.

I took off my sweatpants and sweatshirt to wash them but kept my tank top and spandex dry so I could wear them when I finished showering the shaving cream from my hair.

After the unexpected hard labor or removing the shaving cream from my body, I dressed in my dry clothing and made my way to my dorm. I walked down the empty hallways making my way to the elivator. I pushed the cold button and waited anxiously for the elivator doors to open.

I reached the third floor and exited the elivator. As I was walking a dark figure blocked my path.

"Excuse me." I spoke looking to my bare feet. The person didn't move. I looked up in confusion. Only could I see the outline of the man on the dark floor. I try to walk around the man but another one appears in my way.

"please let me pass. It's passed curfew." I pleaded looking up to the tall figures. A low chuckel excaped the mens lips. I started backing up slowley until I bumped into another one. I shivered with fear. He wrapped his long arms around me and gently put me behind him, keeping his right arm infront of me for protection.

"Are you really going to do this to her? Don't, please," a very calming Australian accent spoke in a low tone. I almost felt scared by the tone he was using but his body blocking mine in a protective way reassured me that he meant well, I could only hope.

"And who do you think you are telling us what to do, kid," the first mans voice growled low and aggressive. They start to advance towards us. I grasp the boys arm, still securing my small frame.

"Just let it go this time. Please. I won't let you hurt another one. It's not right," The boy infront of me spoke in an innocent tone.

"Shes really not worth it now. Well come back not during school hours," the one that seemed to be the sidkick spoke.

I could still barley see but I did see the two boys run to the the stairwells. The nice boy turned around and spoke while gently grabing my shoulders and looking down from his tall height,

"Thank God they left before I had to bash their heads in. Are you okay?" I nodded but spoke up realizing he couldn't see me well enough to tell I was nodding,

"I'm fine. Thank you. I-i got to uh go but who, who are you?" I asked stuttering trying to keep my voice as still as possible. He is a complete stranger. How could i trust this guy before I even got his name, let alone saw his face.

"It dosent matter, as long as your okay?" he asked.

"I am."

"Good," and with that he left, vanishing into the shadows.

I walked into my dorm making sure to lock the door behind me. I climbed in bed and tried to sleep but something was stoping me. My mind was running wild with endless scenarios playing in my head.

Was it an act? I find it hard to belive that someone would even think about going out of their way to defend me. Maybe he was with the other guys but is trying to lure me in by acting like they're on my side.

What if the one that scared them off is a bad person. Why would he help if he was a bad person? Maybe just not as bad of a person.

What if I imagined the whole thing and nothing actually happened. What if I was just standing there in the hallway half naked freezing my butt off for no reason.

What if-?

I dozed off before my mind could get the best of me.

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second chapter..


now that I reread it I realize its the shortest chapter to ever exist...


im going to be updating more frequently now and I promise theyll be longer.


I'm sorry if its stupid or makes no sense


im new to this writing thing


um dont really know what to say..


please show ur friends if you like it.




ily ---- AnnaXxx

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