Chapter 3

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"Be with me always--

take any form--

drive me mad!

only do not leave me in this abyss

where I cannot find you!"

I read my highlighted quote from my tattered copy of Wuthering Heights. I've always wanted someone to need me like that.

Whenever I come across a sentence or paragraph I like, I highlite it. I like having those quotes to read over whenever I need them or I just need to appreciate the spectacular writing from Emily Bronte or sometimes Jane Austen or even Shakespeare. I feel as if older books, classics as I like to call them, dont get as much awe as they need and diserve. Because they are older, or were writen in a different time, not many people take the time to enjoy them. I always got made fun of for that. I read Wuthering Heights for the first time in the fall of 6th grade. Lots of people thought I was werid for reading such an advanced book, that was not the reason I chose it. I chose it for the story, the meaning behind it.

I didn't even notice the teacher had dissmised us until Mr. Haultman called my name from his chalkboard.

"BSc geography has ended miss, of course you would've observed that situation if you were not noes deep in a book," he spoke nicely jolting me from my thoughts.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Haultman. I um I was just-" he cut me off before I could make up an explanation.

"It is quite alright miss?"

"Peters," I spoke blankly.

"Miss Peters. You'd better head to your next class if you have one. Ill see you soon, and next time, leave the book in your dorm." he spoke everyword while writing down different ones on the board for the next class.

Im already getting busted for reading durring class and my first day hasn't even ended yet.

I walked with my left arm carrying a few notebooks and textbooks with pens attached, and the other hand containing Wuthering Heights opened to the same page.

I had a boyfriend, once, I thought we'd never split. He led me to belive in love, in fairytales. He ruined me. Broke me. His name was Tyler, and I thought he was perfect.

I was so blinded by the idea of love, I didnt realize he was manipulative and a liar and that love was like walking into oblivion. I didn't know that love was like having a good dream, then suddenly waking up with a scare. Waking up realizing it wasn't real, it wasn't what you thought it was, and it wouldn't last. I wanted to be loved along with loving someone else. I wanted to be like the characters in movies and books. The characters who find love and no it's not perfect no it isn't fun but it's worth it. Yes they have difficulty keeping the relationship going but they have one thing thay over powers the rest. Eachother. They have the one person who can make them walk to the ends of the Earth to just be with them. The ones who don't cry because they aren't with the one they love, but because they are. Because they have them and want to protect them from everything and keep them forever and live hapily ever with, that's just not how it works out.

I guess thats why they are called characters. Because they are fictional. Because no one can come close to comparison. They're puppets. The author makes this perfect puppet and plans out their life, trying as hard as possible to make it real, but no matter how hard they try, they cannot make them anything more than what they are, fake.

I make my way to the grass area where lots of students are studying, eating or socializing. I'm supposed to meet Becca and Caroline out here somewhere. I looked back down to my book smiling at the quote once again until an unexpected force shoved into my off balenced body, making my belongings fly over the green grass. I winced in pain to see a blonde boy lying next to me with the same expression.

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