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It's been three years to the day. I still think of him. The only way I can describe it is a numbness. When I started medication for anxiety it felt like I was on the edge, like I could fall back into the pit at any moment, but it was stopping me. That's how I feel now but in reverse. I want happiness but he is happiness, and he is not here.

Don't get me wrong, my life is a good one. The music industry has been very kind to me. Someone recorded my reaction to my dad coming home at the end of my song and it went viral as many of those videos do, that's how my voice got out there, and I've been out there ever since.

I still miss him, even now, I look at myself in the dressing room mirror and I miss the gleam in my eyes he brought, I look good, my team make sure of it, but it means nothing. Nothing without him.

"Amy, you're on in one minute." Abby, my PA says from my dressing room door.

"Ok." I say and with a quick spray of perfume I walk with her to the studio. I quickly get mic'ed and I wait to be introduced.

"Well, as our main guest this evening we have Amy Write everybody." The host says and the crowd cheers. "Ok, everybody, give a big warm welcome to Amy!" She says and I step on the stage. This stuff comes naturally for me now, smile answer a few trivial questions and maybe sing a song or two. I give the host a hug and sit on the large red sofa on stage and keep smiling.

"So, Amy, how have you been?" The beautiful woman asks.

"Good, I'm very excited to be here." I say.

"That's great, well, three albums in three years, are you not tired yet?" she asks with a slight laugh. I look behind her shoulder and see Abby roll her eyes and mouths 'jealous' to me, I smile.

"Not as tired as your plastic surgeon Kate." I say and keep smiling. The audience gasps and I just keep smiling. She laughs and I laugh but you can see her starting to sweat. She should have known, part of my aesthetic is my no tolerance to crap.

The conversation moves to my hair which has its own fan Instagram account and then to future plans like my perfume line and my partnership with Fender to release a personalised guitar line.

"So, Amy, you're famous as being a rejecter. Everyone who has asked you out from A-listers like yourself to common folk has been rejected. Why?" One thing comes to mind. Adam.

"I don't really want a relationship, I'm still young and I don't want a long list of ex's do I? So what husband are you on, is this number five?" I ask, pretending to be interested.

"Very funny, well, we're now going to do what we always do with our musically gifted guests and let your twitter followers decide a song that you will sing for us." She says and I nod and sip the glass of water on the table.

"The twitterers have spoken, let's see what they have chosen." She says and I look to the monitor behind a camera. A wheel graphic spins and it lands on a song. "It looks like they've chosen stone by Alessia Cara." Kate says. I bite my lip and smile at the memory of first singing that in front of people. I nod and walk to the little stage and stool and sit, ready to sing.

"So much on my mind, I think I think too much

Read between these lines, unspoken weight of words

But time comes to rest when you are by my side, it blurs

And I will follow where this takes me

And my tomorrows long to be unknown

When all is shaken, be my safety

In a world uncertain, say you'll be my stone

Change in every wind

The sands of time don't know our name

Oh nothing's sure, but surely as we stand

I promise I will stay the same

And I've never seen forever

But I know we'll remain

And I will follow where this takes me

And my tomorrows long to be unknown

When all is shaken, be my safety

In a world uncertain, say you'll be my stone

(Oooooooh oooh oooh)

Be my stone

In a world uncertain, say you'll be my stone

Oh steady me, be my source of gravity

While my world's unravelling

Say you'll never change, ooooohhhh!!! Oh!

And I will follow where this takes me

And my tomorrows long to be unknown

When all is shaken, be my safety

In a world uncertain, say you'll be my stone

(Oooooooh oooh oooh)

Be my stone

In a world uncertain, say you'll be my stone"

I sing and the crowd stands and cheers. I smile and wave at the cameras.

"Thank you for watching everybody, that was Amy Write go buy her latest album in stores now, thanks for watching and goodnight!" Kate says over the crowd and when the director waves I walk backstage to Abby who has my favourite lemon tea ready for me.

"You killed it girl, but I don't think you'll be invited back if she is the host." She says and I laugh.

"So, have you sorted out the security problem?" I ask.

"It wasn't that big of a deal and yes I have." She says.

"When I have to punch someone because my body guards can't stop the crowd I would classify that as a big deal." I say.

"The guy wasn't even attacking you." She says.

"He was out of the designated area and I didn't feel safe." I say and she rolls her eyes. "So, when do I meet the new addition to the team?" I ask.

"At your place, he is on night duty." She says and I nod. It makes sense, nothing really happens at night apart from the odd person following me home and trying to see where I live, it doesn't really matter because I rent week by week and keep moving, it makes me feel safer and I enjoy changing my surroundings now.

I finish my tea and then Abby and I go to the big black SUV outside. I say hello to Paul, my driver and we get in. I hear my phone go off and Abby hands me my phone.

"It's your dad." She says. I answer.

"Hey dad." I say.

"Hey sweetie, you killed it tonight. I'm so proud." He says.

"Thanks Dad, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm great, busy but very happy." He says then I hear some noises in the background. "Sorry sweetie, I've got an emergency call." He says.

"Ok Dad, that's fine, see you soon." I say.

"Yep, see you later sweetheart." He says and hangs up. I smile and put the phone in my pocket. We drive for ten more minutes so we're in the suburbs and then another five to get to my place. Dan, my head of security opens the gate and we drive to my front door. I get out and with a stretch and a yawn I turn to Dan.

"So, where's the newbie?" I ask.

"He is inside. I gave him the tour so he knows where to go if he needs to he is just signing the NDA, he has a key and I've set up the post outside so he will only come in if he needs a leek as per your request." He says and I nod, all the newbies stay their shifts outside until I'm comfortable.

"Full background?" I ask.

"Clean as a whistle." Dan says and I nod.

"Well, goodnight everybody." I say and with a hug goodbye from Abby they go in their cars and leave in a convoy. I get my keys and I open the door.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi." I hear I look up and there he is. The same dark hair but now cut shorter on the sides, the same light eyes and the same skin complexion. More tattoos, and a lot more muscular.

"Adam?" I ask.

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