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Heartbreak is an emotion that isn't lost on me. I felt heartbreak when my mum died, when I was assaulted, when my dad left, when Adam and Daniel left, when I had to move away from friends. And I'm feeling it now.

I've been standing in the shower for over two hours. The water has gotten cold but I don't feel it. I hear a knock at my door and I snap out of my daze.

"Amy?" I hear Pablo ask.

I quickly get changed and I open the door.

"Yeah?" I ask quietly.

"Here's your phone." He says. I take the phone and with a small smile I close the door. I go to the corner of my room and pick up my old phone. I sit on my bed and I take the card out of my old phone. As I put the phone down one of the sharp pieces of glass scratches my finger and I see a spill of crimson red blood. I put my finger in my mouth to stop the bleeding. I put a plaster on it. What's the point? I'm obviously not good enough.

I put the card in my new phone and I straight away call my dad.

"Hello?" he asks happily.

"Daddy?" I ask trying to not sound so sad.

"Awe sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asks.

"Do you think I could come over and maybe stay for a while?" I ask.

"Yes sweetheart, of course you can." He says.

"Ok, thanks daddy." I say and he hangs up. I pack a bag of clothes and I go downstairs where Pablo is watching some monitors.

"Is that him?" I ask.

"Yeah, he hasn't left yet. Out there its public property, we can't get him to go any further." He says.

"Well Paul will be here in five. I'm going to my dad's." I say.

"Ok, have you cleared it?" he asks.

"Not yet, but I will." I say. He gives me a look and I sigh. I call the label and get patched to the owner.

"Hello, Amy, what can I do for you?" he asks.

"I need to get away, I'm going to stay with my dad for a while. I'll probably be writing there so I'll be working." I say.

"Ok, Amy, just come back ready, and its three weeks until the BMA's so keep that in mind." He says.

"Yeah I will, thanks" I say and hang up.

"Its fine with the label." I say.

"And Dan? Someone has to keep you safe." Pablo says.

"But Dan's just been to LA with me and was working the whole time. I can't take him it's not fair. The only other person is you and you've been working since you got here yesterday, I'll be at my dad's for a while." I say.

"Amy, we are paid very good money to keep you safe, it's our job and we enjoy it. Stop thinking about us." Pablo says. I nod slowly and Pablo calls Dan.

Paul arrives in the car and I put my suitcase in the boot.

"I'll take you there. Dan and I will be rotating and he will get some other guys as well. We will only be monitoring you so we won't be invasive." Pablo says. I nod and we get in the car.

I rest my head against the window and I put my earphones in. We drive out of the gates and I watch in the mirror Adam run but he soon gets small and then disappears as we turn a corner. I just listen to my music and let silent tears fall.

It takes two hours to get to my dad's but it feels like two years. I open my crying eyes when the car stops. I see the house standing proudly and I jump out. My dad comes out and I run to him.

"Daddy." I say and I wrap my arms around him. He does the same and I listen to his strong heartbeat. I cry into his chest silently as Pablo brings my suitcase inside. They quickly set up the cameras and I go to my room.

"So, what happened?" my dad asks as I unpack.

"After Adam became my bodyguard we started growing close, I found his brother for him so they could have a relationship, then I caught him and my now ex best friend making out. He said he loved me and I believed him." I say and roll my eyes as they form tears.

"Awe baby." My dad says and hugs me.

"Dad?" I ask.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"Can you not call me that? He used to call me that." I say.

"Yeah, of course." He says. "Pancakes?" he asks and I smile and nod.

We go downstairs and I watch my dad make pancakes and flip them. I was always mesmerised by the way he could always tell that they were the perfect science. I smile and we dig in.

"So, what do you want to do?" My dad asks.

"Well, after this I'm probably going to sleep, I haven't slept well since it happened." I say and my dad nods.

"What do you want to do about Adam?" he asks.

"I want to forget him." I say.

"I doubt that's possible. He made a huge impact on your life." My dad says.

"Yeah, well, I'll think about it." I say and sigh. I put my plate and fork in the dishwasher and go to bed.

Amy's dad POV

At three in the morning I hear her screaming. I sigh and I run to her room. I wake her up and I rub my hand up and down her back so she calms down.

"Sorry." She whispers.

"Amy you have to talk to him, or at least talk to your friend. You need sleep and this isn't healthy." I say. She rubs her hands on her face and she nods.

"I'll call her in the morning." She says.

"Ok, do you want to sleep in my bed?" I ask. She nods and she climbs in my bed with me and we drift off.

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