Work out

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My phone buzzes and Abby says that I should get the script any moment. I check my Emails and I print out the script. I start reading through it.

"Good?" Adam asks.

"Well, I am playing a girl called Danielle or Dani. She has dreamed of being a famous West End performer her whole life. She moves to London where she gets a job as an 'exotic dancer' and sparks a relationship with a powerful man. Once his connections get her, her dream job he wants to sleep with her, when she refuses because she is interested in a fellow actor on the opening night of her show she is shot on stage during her last song." I say.

"Wow." Adam says.

"Yeah. It's brilliantly written so I don't doubt it's going to be good but I don't know how well I'll be able to do it." I say.

"You have a while to rehearse. When is the coach and stuff coming?" Adam asks.

"Tomorrow." I say.

"Well, do you want to start practicing?" he asks. I nod. "Let's start with something easy, how about the songs?" he says and I nod.

"I'll get the music." I say and I click the link to a private file and we listen to the songs. Now I know why they wanted me, they're powerful songs just like the cover song I did.

The second time I play them I start singing along. And soon enough I don't need the lyrics and I just focus on getting the notes. When the final song stops, I pause the track and I look back where Adam smiles.

"See, you just learnt half of your lines." He says and kisses me. "And preformed them perfectly." He says.

"True." I say and wrap my arms around his neck. "But can I sing them while giving a lap-dance to a stranger and being in a room of strangers in next to no clothes?" I ask.

"Well, I can't sort out the strangers but you could sing them and give me a lap-dance, clothing optional." He says.

"Maybe later." I say. "I'm getting a drink." I add and we go downstairs. I make some lemon tea and I listen to the songs on repeat.

Adam orders Thai food and after a shower I have an early night, I have a feeling I will have a long day tomorrow.

Adam makes me a fairly large breakfast and by ten the choreographer, Em, arrives. I've worked with her before so I let Adam do whatever he wants. We go to my in house gym and she sets up two poles.

"What are they for?" I ask as I stretch.

"You have to learn how to pole dance. I know you have good core strength but we will probably need to work on arms. The role doesn't need much so it's definitely do-able." She says and shows me some basic moves. Within the first half an hour my arms are on fire.

"You're doing good, now let's put them in a sequence." Em says happily. I drink some water and nod. We work for another hour and soon I have the song complete, it's just a matter of practice.

Em leaves and I go through the routine once more, I can't believe she actually made me look sexy, I dry off and Adam and I have lunch.

"How was it?" Adam asks.

"Good, I'll need a shower before the acting coach comes but the pole dancing part is over, I just need to practice." I say.

"Pole dancing? So you know cool tricks now?" he asks with a wink.

"Maybe, you'll see it before anyone else but it's not ready yet." I say and I get in the shower where I sing through the songs again.

I could get used to this. I enjoy being this productive, it is a good mood booster. When I walk back downstairs the acting coach just arrives. I shake her hand. She is only a few years older than me.

"Hello, I'm Gabby." She says.

"Amy, nice to meet you." I say and we go to the one room I don't use in this house. It's basically an empty room with chairs and a large window.

For an hour we work on body language. How to be sexy and how to be vulnerable. Then facial expressions, she teaches me how to cry on demand too. We run through the harder lines and then move to techniques to learn lines.

I walk her out and close the door. I look down.

"How did it go?" Adam asks. I look at him and tears start coming. "Awe baby, what's wrong?" he asks. He hugs me and I start laughing.

"I think I will like this crying on demand thing." I say. He tickles me and I push him off me. I give him a quick kiss.

"Do you want to hit the gym?" I ask.

"Sure, anything to see you in those leggings." He says. I playfully hit him and we get ready.

We go down to the private gym in town, it's quite late so no one is there or has bothered to follow us. I get a text.

"Who is it?" Adam asks.

"Em the choreographer, she sent me the exercises I need to start doing daily." I say and look through the list. Adam looks through it.

"You're going to be sore for a while baby." He says. I sigh and start stretching and I start with the bicep curls. I watch as Adam works out, he lifts a lot more than me but he doesn't seem to be breaking a sweat yet.

"Come here, I'll spot you." He says. I sit on the bench and he changes the weight. "That good?" he asks I check.

"Yeah." I say and he positions me so the weights sit on my hips.

"Now lift." He says and with his hands lifts my hips. "There you go, now do thirty." He says. I pout and he laughs. I do the thirty hip thrusts and I move to squats. After doing press ups I stretch again and we go back home.

I let Adam shower first and while I'm not in too much pain I do the pole dancing routine again.

The music fades and I do the slow descending spin onto my knees. As I turn off the music I hear Adam walk in with wet hair and wearing only sweatpants.

"You'd be a great exotic dancer, I couldn't keep my eyes off you." He says.

"We're you spying on me?" I ask and I walk to him.

"Maybe a little." He says I give him a kiss and his hands travel to my but where he lightly squeezes.

"I need a shower." I say and I walk back to my room.

"Need company?" he asks.

"Not tonight, but I will tomorrow, Em wants to do the lap-dance scene tomorrow." I say and wink. He moans and I smile and have a nice hot shower.

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