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*Two months later*

I step out of my dressing room ready to do the last day of filming. I stretch and Adam walks over and gives me some coffee.

"Ready to die?" he asks. I smile and nod.

"As ready as I will ever be." I say and I go to makeup where they get the blood ready and get the latex ready on my forehead. I go the fake stage and stand ready for my que.

"Action!" Richard shouts. I start reading my lines from memory and I walk around, the lights dim and I start singing. I see Will, my co-star and I freeze when he pulls out the gun.

"Cut!" Richard shouts. I put my hand on my forehead so I can see better. "Great everyone, let's get makeup and record Amy falling." He says I walk off stage and I am surrounded by the makeup team.

"So, one last scene after this." Adam says and I sigh.

"Yep, I'm so looking forward to it." I say sarcastically, he laughs.

"I know you'll do fine, you did well with me." he says.

"Exactly I was with you." I say and Richard shouts for everyone to be ready. I walk over to the newly bloodied set.

When action is called I am dropped onto a brown foam board. The blood rolls down my forehead and in my eyebrow. I roll onto my back and hold my breath.

"Cut!" I hear and I sit up. "That's a wrap on the finale, let's get stage seven and while it is being fixed have lunch!" Rich shouts. Adam takes my hand and we go to the food table.

"I could eat a horse." I say and I get a plate.

"I don't doubt it. You've been working out like crazy." Adam says.

"And? Em says I needed a better butt." I say and smack my butt, those hip thrusts are hell but my god they do wonders.

"I like your butt now and I liked it before." Adam says. I move along the table and grab a bottle of water.

"Well, you don't have the highest standards." I say and we walk to my dressing room.

"And how would you know that?" he asks.

"Are you forgetting I went to school with you and saw your... partners?" I ask and sit down.

"I didn't sleep with most of them." He says.

"It sure looked like you wanted to." I say. "But I didn't have a good choice with boys so I shouldn't be too harsh." I say and dig in.

"Since when did you have other relationships?" Adam asks as we eat.

"I've had one other boyfriend, how did you not know? I spoke about it a lot when I opened up about my assault." I say and wolf down the food.

"I didn't watch any of those videos or interviews." Adam says. "I don't think I could handle it well." He says.

"Well, I had one other boyfriend his name is John, he forced me to go to the party I was coming home from that night I was assaulted." I say and when my plate is clear I drink my water.

"Wow." He says.

"Yeah, anyway, do you have any gum?" I ask. He hands me a piece and I start chewing. I get dressed into my stripper costume and go to hair and makeup. They fix my makeup and make my hair nice again.

"Places!" the assistant director shouts. The pole dance is first. I close my eyes and I go back to the gym, I am alone, I'm just practicing.

The music starts and I open my eyes. I start singing and dancing. I grasp the pole and string the movements together. I move and when I make eye contact with Adam. He smirks and the song finishes.

"You're good Amy." Richard says and walks to me. "You're saving me money, I haven't had to do may second takes of anything." He says and helps me off the stage. I smile and Adam comes over again.

"You just have one last thing to do baby and it's over." He says and kisses my forehead.

"Ok, just when it's over can you like cuddle me or something?" I ask. He smiles and holds me closer.

"Anything for you baby girl." He says.

"Places!" The assistant director says again. Will walks to me.

"Hey girlie, can you tell your boyfriend to stop glaring, no offence but I don't want this either. If he was doing it I would prefer it." he says.

"Wait, you're gay?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says.

"Oh thank god." I say. He gives me a weird look and I feel way better. He takes his seat and I stand at my spot.

"Action!" Rich shouts and I strut to will.

I give him all I can, I give that gay boy one amazing lap dance. Soon it's over and I hear cut.

Adam hugs me and rich yells that the movie is a wrap.

"How did you do so well?" he asks.

"Firstly I am amazing and secondly he is gay, he would have enjoyed it if you did it instead." I say and he laughs and pretends to do a hair flip.

"Well who wouldn't want a lap dance from me?" he asks. I laugh and we go back to my dressing room.

"What do you want to do now?" he asks as I get dressed.

"I want to go back to LA, will you come with me?" I ask and give him a kiss.

"I'll follow you anywhere." He says. I smile and Beth comes in, she took over for Abby when she decided to take a while off to focus on her and her baby.

"Hey." I say and hug her.

"Hey, your flights and things are ready, but you have to leave tonight." She says.

"Yeah that's fine, you coming?" I ask.

"Can I?" she asks.

"Sure, but I will probably be chilling instead of shopping." I say and laugh. She hugs me and after saying goodbye to the cast and crew we leave.

I pack as fast as I can and it feels like no time when I am with Adam on our penthouse balcony in LA.

"Amy?" Adam asks from behind me. I turn around and my dressing gown flows in the wind. I push my hair behind my ear so the wind doesn't affect my vision. I see Adam on the floor.

"Yeah?" I ask as my heart skips a beat.

"I love you, too much to be honest, and you would make me so insanely happy if you would marry me." he says and opens the dark box in his hand.

"Is that my..." I say and trail off as I look at the ring.

"Yeah, it's your mothers, your dad told me to use it." he says. "So? Will you marry me?" he asks.

"Of course I will you idiot." I say and hug him. I kiss him and he picks me up. He sits me on the ledge of the balcony and he puts the ring on my finger.

"Perfect fit." I say and he kisses me. Perfection.

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