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Amy's POV

I'm addicted. Adam gives me this huge sense of wholeness. I am safe with him. It's like I am supposed to be right here, in his arms. I am addicted to this feeling, I am addicted to him.

After the kiss we've been all over each other. We watch TV but only pay attention to each other, or should I say each other's lips. Adam moves my hair back and rubs his thumb over my cheek.

"So, are you my girlfriend again?" he asks. I smile and kiss his wrist.

"If you'll have me." I say. He smiles.

"She finally says yes to a human!" he exclaims. I playfully hit him.

"She can also take it back." I say. "Anyway I was only rejecting everyone because they weren't you." I say. He smiles and runs his hands through my hair.

"You have me now." He says and I smile. "You have me in the palm of your hand." He says.

"I kind of need you to survive so I beat you." I say he laughs and we turn back to the TV.

After some snacks we go upstairs and I brush my teeth. Adam comes in and rubs my shoulders.

"You're tense." He says.

"I'm leaving the safety of my house tomorrow for the first time in over two months." I say and he kisses my shoulder.

"Massage?" he asks. I spit and rinse with mouthwash.

"If you're offering." I say.

"Yeah, I need to repay you for LA." He says and I smile. I leave the bathroom and I make sure our phones are away. I check for cameras so I'm not paranoid and just as I am satisfied Adam finishes in the bathroom and throws me a towel. I lay it on the bed and while he looks in the bathroom for oil or something I undress.

I carefully take off my top and shorts. I take off my bra but leave my underwear on. I lay on my stomach and I hear Adam walk in.

"Ready?" he asks. I hum as an answer and his hands soon travel my back. Once I am covered in oil he increases the pressure. Little sounds escape my lips as the knots are worked out. He kisses my neck as he massages my arms. His hands go to my legs and he works out the muscles there. He massages my calves then I feel his warm hands leave my skin.

"Do you want me to do the front?" he asks. I bite my lip.

"Pass me the small towel on top of the dresser." I say and he puts it in my hand I spin around and I lay the towel over my breasts. "I'm not sleeping with you." I say. He laughs and his hands cover me in oil again.

He mainly massages my arms and legs but does do my stomach slightly. He does graze my breasts slightly and goes slightly under my pantie line. I bat his hand away and he laughs.

"Relaxed?" he asks.

"Very." I say.

"Ok, just one muscle left." He says. Before I can ask him which he kisses my lips. I put my hands in his hair and I sit up slightly. His hands hold my head up and he sits on the bed. The towel slips off but I don't mind.

"You're beautiful." Adam says in between kisses.

"I know." I say and I stop the kissing. "But I'm still not sleeping with you." I say and with one last peck I go to rinse off the oil.

I climb in bed and Adam pulls me in close. "I love you." I whisper and drift off.

I wake up at eleven because I can get ready in half an hour and it takes that long to get to the studio. I tell Adam he can chill but he watches me do my makeup.

"You're good at makeup." He says, I smile.

"Thanks, the Wi-Fi on my tour bus wasn't good so I couldn't get new books so I practiced a lot." I say as I do my eyeliner.

"Don't you usually get your makeup done for you?" he asks.

"Yeah but because I'm relatively good at it and I want this to be as short as possible the label let me do it this way." I say. "What colour lipstick should I use?" I ask as I look through my collection.

"One that won't come off when I kiss you." He says. I smile and go for a dark red liquid lipstick. It dries and I kiss Adam on his cheek. He looks in the mirror and smiles. "Good choice." He says.

I get dressed and Adam we go to the car that Abby is already in.

"What song am I singing?" I ask.

"It depends, you can do one of yours or a cover. The label is fine with both. The only difference is that the cover will be in a series that the show does." Abby says and I nod.

I put one of my earphones in and I give one to Adam. He puts it in his ear and I play my favourite playlist. I rest my head on Adam's shoulder and he holds my hand.

"You should do this one." He says. I bite my lip.

"It's difficult." I say.

"You can do it. I heard you in the shower." he says and I blush.

"Ok." I say and I put it on repeat so I can learn it a bit more. When we get close Abby gives me some breathing techniques. I warm up my voice and we are soon outside the studio.

I walk inside and I am greeted by some producers. I hold Adams hand the whole time. The performance is going on YouTube and probably will be streamed on the radio later.

I first do an introduction. I sit on a stool and they set up a camera directly in front of me.

"My name is Amy Write, subscribe now to watch more performances." I say and they say that's fine. I am taken to a new room with a band.

"They know your song choice. Is this ok?" One of the producers asks. I nod and I just move my stool and mic a bit further away.

"Ready?" Adam asks. I nod and he kisses my hairline.

"Just watch them, I will probably have my eyes closed so you need to watch them for me." I say and he nods.

"Don't worry, your safe." He says I nod and the producers say they're ready.

"Action." They say.

"This one's for Adam." I say and smile at him. He smiles at me and I start to sing.

When it's over I open my eyes and one of the producers is tearing up. I look at Adam and his eyes shine. When they yell cut I stand and walk to him. Adam picks me up and as he spins me he kisses me.

"It was beautiful, almost as beautiful as you." He says. I smile and my hands glide down his face as he puts me down.

"So someone has tamed the beast." Abby says and smiles.

"Yeah, did you like it?" I ask. She nods.

"It was amazing, I wish I was as talented. Anyway, I need to tell you something." She says. I nod and we go to the side.

"I went to the doctors, I'm pregnant." She says I smile and congratulate her.

"That's amazing." I say and smile.

"Yeah, but the dad wants nothing to do with me." She says and tears well up in her eyes. I hug her and I calm her down.

"The baby has the best aunt in the world, who needs a dad when you have me?" I ask. She smiles and nods.

"Thanks Amy." She says and wipes her eyes. I grab my bag and I wipe under her eyes. I put on a fresh coat of mascara on her and I smile.

"All better." I say and I go back to Adam.

We go back to my place and I sleep, today has been so tiring, but I have a good feeling.

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