Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Making Deals


Caesar and his apes walked behind the lady, looking around, seeing torches lit up and hung on the stone walls. As they got closer, more light could be seen and lots of talking. Suddenly the lady stopped and turned to them.

"I must inform the queen first, please stay here. I will come back to get you."

Caesar gave her a short nod, she nodded back and walked away, going into a small hut. They all looked around, seeing man humans around... How? Around were all sorts of generations. Babies, toddlers, teens, adults, all of them. Laughter was heard and the apes looked over to see a groups of kids, they all sat around a lady, who had a book in her hand.

"The princess let down her hair..." The lady read to the kids.

The kids all gasped, waiting to hear more. Then a battle cry was heard and they looked over, seeing a young lady with a large stick, like a bo-staff. She spun it in her hands, doing moves and tricks, flipping them in the air and catching it (Watch the video above). Once she stopped she was panting and looked over, seeing the apes. She wasn't one to judge, but she couldn't help but stare. She laid eyes on Blue Eyes, but quickly shrugged them off and went over, taking a breather.

The lady who walked them here, walked towards them and nodded.

"Come." She walked closer to the small hit she just walked out of, then they waited.

After a minute, the same lady with the white horse came out. She looked at the apes, walking forward.

"You wanted to speak with me?" She asked, waiting for an answer.

Caesar nodded "Why humans here?" He asked, not taking any short cuts.

"I'm sorry?" The lady said confused.

Caesar sighed "Why are you here?"

"We live here... Can't you see?" A voice said. The Apes looked over to see the lady who was reading the books to the kids.

"Humans live here!" Kobe said, furious.

Caesar rose a hand to stop him from speaking further "How long?" He then asked.

"Generation after generation." The lady said, "But to be exact 100 of years..."

"100 years?" Blue Eyes asked astonished.

The lady nodded "Yes..."

Not what the apes were expecting. Human lived here for that long? How and why? There were many other places for humans yet they chose the forest... Of course Caesar can't just tell them to leave... They have lived here longer then the apes.

"Now why are you here?" The lady asked.

Caeser was taken back by the question and was now confused. Did she mean in the forest? What were apes doing the forest?

"In my village, not the forest." The queen said with a smile.

Caeser nodded understanding, but he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Now that was something new. He usually never felt embarrassed unless he did something extremely stupid, which happened rarely. This little mishap was nothing to be embarrassed about. So why was he embarrassed?

"Only come to ask you. Why you here." Caeser said, his voice raspy.

The queen nodded "I see. Well is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

Caeser looked at his apes, then heard Koba "Human's bad."

Caeser was about to speak, but the queen got to Koba first "Just because one human or more did a bad thing, doesn't mean all humans are bad."

Caeser looked at the queen with a respected glance, agreeing with what she had said. He was about to take his leave, but a small dry voice was heard.


Caeser took notice that the queen turned around quickly, he also seen a small little girls, with a blanket wrapped around her.

"Mommy... I don't feel good..."

The little girl said, making the queen frown and walk up to her, and bend down to the little girls' height. The queen nodded and held the little girl close.

"I know... You just have to rest..."

The little girl sniffled "Mommy, I can't sleep... My tummy hurts..."

The queen looked worried even more. If she didn't rest, her body cannot heal itself peacefully. Or was this more than just a tummy ache?

"We help." Caeser broke in.

The queen looked at him "Pardon?"

Caeser spoke again "You save my brother," Caeser gestured to Koba, "I help you."

"How?" The queen asked, feeling hope rising in her chest.

"Have ape doctors. Medicine." Caeser said, placing a hand on his chest, showing he was honest.

The queen thought for a moment, looking down at her daughter, coughing aggressively. The queen looked back at Caeser, seeing his gaze was on her daughter with a frown on his face. Then her daughter spoke,

"Mommy... A-Am I going to die? L-Like daddy?"

The queen seemed to freeze. She looked down at her daughter quickly and held her daughters face in her hands.

"No! Do not say that..."

The queen looked at Caeser quickly and nodded "Please help me..."


Author's Note: Hope you like it! Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments.

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