Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: The Ape Village


Caesar nodded and turned towards his brothers, and son, sighing to them. Queen Aria watched as he did so, still holding her daughter close, rubbing her aching tummy. Caesar turned back to the queen and grunted.

"You take horse?" He asked, making the queen nod.

"I will get my horse and I will follow..." The queen bent down and picked up her daughter Chloe, who wrapped her small arms around her mother's neck. Caesar nodded and they all started walking towards the exit.

The lady who was guarding g the entrance and watching the horses stood up, at the sight of her queen.

"I need my horse." The queen said making the lady nod,

"Of course." The lady went off to go get the queens white horse.

A few minutes later the lady came back with the queens' white horse beside her, and bowed her head slightly.

"Thank you, please hold her for a moment." Aria said, placing her daughter in arms of the guard, who took her carefully.

The queen got on her horse, bending to her side to pick up her sick daughter. Carefully the queen picked up the young girl, seating her in front of her, making sure that her daughter was facing her. Chloe wrapped her arms around her mother's waist, laying her head on her chest, coughing slightly.

Once the queen knew they were ready she nodded at Caesar and waited to follow. Caesar only made his horse start walking into the forest, passing trees, heading towards his village. As they made their way, Caesar looked over to the Aria. Aria hand a hand on her daughter back, rubbing it gently, her other hands on the rope to guide her white horse.

Caesar couldn't help, but stare at the queen herself. He could tell she's brave and open-minded, she reminded him so much of Cornelia...

"Almost. Home." Blue Eyes said to his father, making him nod.

Caesar looked ahead to see the village lights, then looked at Aria.

"Ape doctors have healing herb. Help her." He said lastly pointing at the young girl.

Aria nodded and looked down at her daughter, who seemed to be sleeping, but lightly. Aria placed her hand on her daughters head, looking back up, and worry on her face. Once they made it to the entrance of the village, they all got off their horse except Aria, not wanting to risk dropping Chloe. Caesar walked over raising his arms up to take Chloe, so Aria could get off her horse. Aria looked down at her daughter and shook her lightly.

"Chloe sweetheart... I need you to wake up."

Chloe woke up, looking around, then she looked down to see Caesar with his arms open. She looked up at her mom, not knowing if she go into his arms, but her mother smiled and gave her a nod. Chloe coughed a little and moved her weight to the side, holding her arms out. Caesar smiled, showing he was not going to hurt her, holding her in his arms. Chloe had her arms around his neck, head laying on his shoulder, her legs wrapped around his waist. Caeser held her some-what tightly, not wanting her to fall or slip out if his grasp, but in all honesty she was like a feather. Aria got off her horse, petting the white horses head, then saw an ape walk up to her. The ape held out his hand for the rope and Aria understood, letting the ape take her horse.

Aria turned to Caesar seeing Chloe had fallen asleep, Aria smiled placing a hand on her young daughters head. Aria went to take Chloe out of Caesars hand, but he stopped her by gently grabbing her wrist.

"It. Fine. She asleep." Caesar said, with a small nod and smile.

Aria nodded and looked at her daughter sleeping peacefully. Caesar nodded his head towards the entrance and started walking, the others following. Aria stayed close to Caesar since he was holding her child and mostly because of Koba. On the way over here she felt his glare, she kept her eyes on him, just in case he tried to pull a move. They entered the village, apes all around, frozen stunned. They all looked at the two humans, some angry, some curious.

Caesar walked over to a hut and Aria saw some apes with white paint on them. Aria watched as Caesar signed to the apes, then saw as one of the apes took Chloe. Aria seemed to panic on the inside, wanting to know where they were taking her daughter. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to see Caesar.

"Follow. They have herbs."

Aria nodded and followed him into the hut, seeing Chloe already laying down. She was awake now and she seemed very frightened, not seeing her mother there only more apes. When she saw her mother, she quickly held out her hand, in hopes her mother wouldn't leave her alone. Aria smiled and walked over, kneeling down and grabbing her daughters' shaky hand. Aria smiled down at her little one and rose her hand, kissing it gently.

"Mommy... What happening?"

Aria smiled "They have medicine. To make you better."

Chloe nodded "Is it going to taste bad?"

Aria huffed a laugh "I don't know, but you got to be a big girl..."

Chloe coughed and gave her mom another nod "Ok mommy... Is Cora here?"

Aria shook her head "No dear, she had her lessons. You'll see her soon though."

Chloe only nodded again and soon an ape, with small cup, walked over to her. Chloe looked at the ape worried, squeezing her mom's hand. Caesar walked over and stood on the other side of Chloe. He also kneeled down, placing a hand on Chloe's shoulder.

"We need you to sit up. Must drink. No choke."

Chloe nodded and sat up slowly, so she would get dizzy, taking the cup in her hands. Chloe looked at it and seen it was green, then looked up at her mother.

"Mommy it looks funny..."

Aria smiled and nodded "I know, but in order to get better you have to take it."

Chloe looked at Caesar "Do I have to?"

Caesar couldn't help, but smile "Yes young. One. Help you. Heal."

Chloe looked back down at the cup and slowly drank it, till it was gone. After Chloe finished she coughed lightly and shook her head slowly, making a face.

"That tasted gross!"

Aria quickly hushed her daughter and whispered "Be polite."

Chloe whined "But mommy! It taste bad! Drink it!"

Aria gave her daughter a look, while also telling her to be nice. Then the two heard a chuckle, seeing Caesar with a smile. Caesar took the cup and gave it to another ape, then looked back at

"Ape's. Don't like. Either. Now rest. Let medicine. Work." Caesar said, helping Chloe lay down gently.

Chloe mumbled "I told you..."

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