Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Saving Blue Eyes


"Come on Willow!" Cora said, running through forest, racing her friend and sister to the river.

Behind Cora was Chloe and Willow, trying to catch up to Cora. Of course Willow could win, but letting Cora wined made her smile, because Cora would get so excited. She would also let Chloe come in second place, not wanting to make the youngest sad she was last. Cora reached the river and cheered,

"I win! I win!"

She shouted, jumping up and down, watching Chloe and then Will run up to her. Will panted slightly smiled and giving Cora a high five, then gave one to Chloe.

"You cheated though! You got a head start!"

Cora shrugged and smiled "No, I am just faster. Admit it."

Chloe rolled her eyes "Never!"

Willow stepped in and chuckled "Alright. You two stay away from the water, I told your mom I would bring back fish."

Willow walked over to the water, raising up her sleeves from her jacket. She stepped on the stepping stones that were in the water, looking around in the waters, looking for fish. It was morning, so this when they usually are up, morning fish. She spotted one and quickly dipped her hand in the water, grabbing it. She smiled and held the fish firmly, so it didn't jump out of her hand. She looked towards the girls and said,

"Girl, get the basket ready."

Chloe nodded and grabbed the basket they brought along, Willow smiled in thanks and threw the fish in basket. Willow looked back at the waters, seeing two more fish, sadly she could only grab on at time, so she chose to grab the biggest one. She quickly dipped her hand in the water and grabbed it, but this one was a wrestler. She held the fish tightly with bother of her hands and this time she didn't trust to just throw it in the basket, she walked back to the shore of the river, placing the large fish in the basket.

"Alright, I am going to grab a couple more, than we will go back. OK?" Willow said, looking over at the girls, who had two large sticks and pretending to fight.

"Ok!" Cora said, 'attacking' her younger sister.

Willow smiled and went on to grab more fish, twenty minutes later, Willow caught four more fish and figured that was enough since they were going to hunt for elk later. Willow smiled and picked up the basket of fish, nodding her head in the direction of the village.

"Alright my ladies, let's go back." Willow said with a smile.

Cora and Chloe dropped their sticks, sprinting towards Willow who already began walking. Cora and Chloe named out different plants they saw, at time arguing towards each other, thus causing Willow to break it up. As they walked to the village a loud screech was heard, throughout the forest. The three froze and looked around with their eyes only. The same screech was heard again, causing the three to jump.

"What was that?" Cora asked slowly.

"I don't know..." Willow said, but then knew she had to figure out what it was.

She quickly walked over to Cora and gently gave her the basket of fish and sighed "You guys know your way back. Right?"

The two girls nodded, making Willow nod back, "Ok. You two go back to the village. I am going to go see what that noise came from."

"What?! What if you get hurt??" Cora said, panicking slightly.

Willow sighed and kneeled in front of Cora "Listen. I need you to take your sister back to the village. Both of you stay there and tell your mother what I am doing. I will come back. Ok?"

Cora nodded, but was shaking "O-Ok..."

Willow nodded "That's my girl. Be safe, if anything happened, just use our village whistle ok? I will come for you."

Cora nodded and so did Chloe, Willow nodded as well, but another screech was heard. Willow breathed out,

"Alright! Go!" She demanded, pushing them lightly to start running.

Once Willow saw them leave her presence, she let out a sigh and started to run towards the noise. She soon started to hear hooting, she reached behind her back and grabbed her bo-staff. She looked through the tree's, seeing a large mountain lion, corning an ape. The same ape she saw at the village. She quickly went into action, not hearing the sound of horse. She jumped on the mountain lion, making them roll away from the Ape. Willow stood up quickly and had her bo-staff ready to fight, and it's a good thing she brought it. She spun her weapon on her hand, watching as the mountain lion lunged at her.

She used her staff to hit the large cat in the face, making it roar in pain. The mountain lion hissed at her and was about to lunge at her again, till the cat heard others coming. Willow watched as the large cat ran away and luckily it ran the opposite direction the girls were going. Willow looked over to see the ape staring at her, walked over to it slowly, and slowly held out her hand. The ape hesitated and just stared at her hand, she was about to sure the chimp that it was ok, but then another furry hand hit hers. She looked to her side and saw another ape with scars.

She looked at him warily, gripping tightly her bo-staff just in case. Then she looked over when hearing the sound of horse, then saw a huge group of apes. Some on horse, others on foot. She saw one hop off his horse and ran to the Chimp she saved, she help the chimp up and seemed to be checking if he was hurt. Willow was about to just walk away, but she heard a growl and turned to see the scarred ape. She stayed where she was at and kept her yes on that ape, just in case he tried to do something...

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