I slapped him

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Oh my potatoes. I'm back. I'm not dead. Surprisingly. This chapter is dedicated to squib2004  because she will kill me if I don't update. I have written so many versions of this chapter. Had my friend edit one and I wasn't happy with any of them because I've been super sad recently and I had my national maths, reasoning and English test so I've been super stressed as well. Here is the new chapter. Also this chapter will be extra long. Sorry Katie.



I start to walk to the guest bedroom but she grabbed my hand,
"Stay" she whispered, so I climbed in the bed and we fell asleep, with her in my arms...


Scarlets POV

I wake up to find two arms snaked around my waist.

What happened!?

I start to panic, looking down under the blanket.

Thank God, I still have my clothes on. So, then what happened?

Suddenly, the memories from last night came rushing in. What have I done? I turn and look at his God (So...you're saying that she thanked Derek? -editor) <no- author> carven face.

His green/hazel eyes shot open, and he smiled at me. I did the only thing any "normal" human would do.

I slapped him.

In the face.


Then I ran to the bathroom and locked the door.





Oh god that sounded weird. (I'm waiting for your sarcastic comment katie(PSHTTTT, what do you mean?! I am INNOCENT!! INNOCENT I TELL YOU.......*sniggers a little* in, out..... -editor)< you're a butt>).

Since I don't have any clothes in the bathroom with me, I slowly open the door and he's not here.

Thank the lord of potatoes. (*gets on my knees and prays* -editor<same> )

I go to my closet and pick out my outfit.

I decided that I was going to go hunting, grabbing my bow and inserted (*sniggers again* I had to change it to that word

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I decided that I was going to go hunting, grabbing my bow and inserted (*sniggers again* I had to change it to that word...-editor) my knife in my shoe like always.

I ran down stairs and see Aidan.

No Derek.


He tossed me an apple, which I caught with ease, and once I got out side I threw it away.

Like I said. Food and I don't get along. (*badly wants to add 'kap-eash?'* -editor<why didn't you?>)

I'm back and I want revenge Where stories live. Discover now