Crazy in love

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The picture is Skarlet's car and the video is her performance.
"And all the kids cried out, 'Please stop, you're scaring me'
I can't help this awful energy
God damn right, you should be scared of me!
Who is in control?"

Ah, the wonderful sound of my alarm, signalling that its time for the most 'wonderful' place on earth, school,". The birds will chip- (imagine lizzza koshy saying this or watch her first video on her second Chanel)

oh heck to the no- ugh. (my face seriously resembles the 'bruh' emoji 😑) school. I'd rather share a home with Sarah.

Actually I'd rather be eaten by sharks than both of those two but unfortunately sharks are not an option.

Hmm, but what to wear. This is cute. But it makes me look like a badass. However, it does match the song for miss Welp's class. Sooo I chose you outfit number three.
(Outfit 3 just imagine it with Skarlets hair)

 (Outfit 3 just imagine it with Skarlets hair)

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Normally, I hate skirts. But after dancing in way more revealing clothes you get used to it. I don't want to ride my motorcycle whilst wearing a skirt, so I'll take the next best thing, my 2017 Lotus Evora. Driving is fun- UNTIL YOU FIND THOSE FREAKING IDIOTS ON THE ROAD WHO GOT THEIR FIVE YEAR OLDS A FREAKING LICENSE AND LET THEM DRIVE THE CAR FOR THE DAY!

....Ok maybe I over exaggerated a bit there but they nearly hit my second baby ( my bike being my first).

Anyway I'm on my way to school, skipping breakfast because eating is something I'm not particularly fond of. Finally we arrive at school.

I always find in books time goes fast (shut up you are not supposed to know your in a book) well sorry you can't be bothered to write a more detailed chapter! But if you did, then maybe you'd get some reads. (this is stupid why am I even talking to you) because you love me~. ( ugh I'm seriously thinking of making Sarah a better person than you) *gasp* you wouldn't dare ( try me) ok, ok I'll continue with the story now!

That was weird but anywho, I'm parking and the one, and the only, Derek summers jumps out of nowhere and I hit him. Is he seriously that stupid? I ran out of my car to check if everything is ok,
" baby, baby are you with me, it's ok stay with me!" I exclaim
"Only yesterday you were turning me down and now you are calling me baby? I guess a lot can change over night, don't you think?" He asked.

Ok if you are wondering why I was yelling baby it's because I was worried about him denting my car. Sine there is no way I'm not checking on my car, when it just got hit!
"I wasn't speaking to you I was speaking to my car, idiot" I told h before walking off, leaving Derek with his jaw looking unhinged.

Lifting my keys, I lock my car. Feeling satisfied when I heard the locking noise. To the locker we go.

I get my books and go to my first lesson which is science with Professor Wells, afterwards I have free period, music and PE.

Since I had good enough grades last year to graduate, I don't need to do required lessons but I had Aidan set up my schedule so I don't know what to expect, so to science and Beyond, ( if you are wondering why there is a capital 'b' it's because when I was spelling it, it autocorrected to Beyoncé so this is in memory of that). Science is easy so the whole lesson I tuned out and listened to music. The same happened in free period, except I was drawing whilst listening to 'hallelujah' by p!atd and then someone pulled out my earphone,
"Whatcha drawing?" Derek asked,
" what does it look like to you?" I ask him since my drawing was very obvious.

" you're right that was a stupid question" he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck he sat next to me under the tree I was under.
" It's good" he says. Why does he want to start a conversation with me? Me?

"When you look at this picture what do you think of?" I ask out of the blue. I don't know why, I just wanted to hear his voice.
" I don't understand what you mean" he admits.
" well, when I look at this picture I think of someone who is trying to find something, in a forest and then they walk, until they find them selves at a waterfall. Each step they take the closer they become to the edge and soon enough they jump letting the wind carry them weightlessly through the air." I explain, through out all of this I had moved closer to Derek and now our legs were touching. I could feel him looking at me I turn my head to look at him and find that we are so close that our noses almost touch but neither of us look or move away.

He brings his hand up and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear and I don't like people touching my hair. But with him I'm, some how, ok with it and soon we are both leaning in.

And then the bell went.

I pulled away and quickly put my sketch pad back in my bag and got up and ran, yelling back "sorry for hitting you with my car!"

Oh my god, that is the actual version of saved by the bell. What  was I thinking?

I almost kissed him.

My first kiss would have been taken by him. I almost gave it to him. Ugh now he's in my music AND PE class.

When Aidan said he based my time table off someone else's I guess he meant Derek's.

...Which means I'm in all his classes. Oh, no, no, no! Why me?! Every freaking time!

I'm taking a seat in music and Miss is already here so we begin the lesson. Right now some random kid is preforming, since it's the day of performance and then Derek walked in, ignoring the teacher and the performer and sat down. Next. To.  Me.

'Grrrrrrr', Is all I can think right now but I need to focus on my song before the teacher calls me up and--oh too late.

I'm walking to the front of the class and walk up to the piano , which also had a microphone. Sitting down, I set the microphone to the correct height whilst everyone is talking but Derek is just staring at me, smirking.

Oh god.

I want to get this over with so I start the playing the piano and begin singing crazy in love a along with it. Everyone goes silent.

Once I'm done everyone is clapping, and Derek is looking in my sketch pad. I do a quick bow and then rush back to my seat, only to see Derek looking  at my drawing I was doing earlier.
Ok so I wonder what Derek was doing with Scarlet's book and I'm going to be changing the spelling of scarlets name because the way I spelt it so far is wrong so I'm not going to bother changing it in part chapters but from now on it's spelt scarlet not Skarlet. I'm gonna change it in the description tho don't worry. Thank you OneAwkwardPerson for editing this. Love you papa. Hehe. Anyway go and follow her because she writes books. Good ones. Plus she is awkward. So what's not to love. Exactly, nothing, no, nada. So follow her or I will hunt you down and sneak into your home and make sure you watch your favourite food get eaten by the bin. Is that clear.
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