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It was Sunday and I was freaking out. Jimin was searching through my closet while Jungkook was fixing my hair and give me support. They heard about the date because I obviously told them and they went berzerk.

"Jimin, hurry up and find some clothes before Jin has a mental break down." Jungkook calls. Jimin waved him off most likely telling him to shut up. I was acting like this was my first date when it wasn't.

Namjoon hadn't updated me on where we were going and that's what freaked me out. What if I over dressed or under dressed.

Jimin had dyed my hair blonde last night and I kinda liked the color.

"Jin, I found the clothes! Put them on!" Jimin throws some clothes at me and I could already spot the pink which made me smile.

I changed in front of them since we all were best friends anyway. It was a pink sweater, black jeans, pink converse, and a pink hat to top it off. I also put on some big round glasses.

"Doesn't that seem like too much pink?" Jungkook asked and I gasped at him, shaking my head furiously.

"There can never be too much pink." We all sat on my bed. Since Namjoon lived so far away it would be a while till he gets here.

"Where are you guys going anyway?" I shrugged. I was curious as to where we were going also. I really don't want a dinner, plus I was too underdressed for that.

Jimin leans in a bit more. "So I asked out Yoongi on a small date for Monday." I swear I screamed.

"You're finally giving him a chance? I'm so proud of you. You're finally growing up." I shake the younger to which he pushed me off.

Jungkook smiled. "So I see you're finally over me." My eyes widen.

"You knew he liked you?"

Jungkook nods his head. "It was pretty obvious." He was right it was.

I felt a buzz from my phone. It was a text message.

Joon💞: Outside.

I screamed and my friends looked at me like I was crazy. "He's here!" I jump out the bed and ran out the room with them following close behind me. "Please lock the house when you guys leave. Jimin has the spare key."

"Have fun!" They hug me and I run out the house. Namjoon was standing out there just as the cab sped away. I was confuse because don't we need a ride wherever we're going?

He was wearing a black and red flannel with a white shirt under it.

I walk up to Namjoon and before he said anything, he grabbed my face and kissed me lightly. "We can walk where we're going. It not far." I was glad we were on good terms now.


I bet you're wondering where my lovely boyfriend has a us walk 20 agonizing and never-ending minutes to. Well, he had dragged me to the pier. All the rides, games, and shops left me in awe.

I've been here a couple of times but not that much. We began walking around till Namjoon stopped and look at one of the games. His hands were still intertwined with mine.

It was one of those games where you hit the target with a ball and dunk the person in the water. The person's job was to insult you to get you to play the game out of anger.

"No man wears pink. Get out of Korea!" The man above the water says just as we were about to walk away. Was he talking about me? There was a couple other people wearing pink. "Blondie, I'm talking about your dumbass." Now I definetly knew he meant me.

I feel warmth leave my hand and I look yo see Namjoon walk towards the button. "Hey dude, you have to pay first-" Namjoon hit the target with his hand instead of a ball which sent the man into the water.

Namjoon broke the target.

I laugh hysterically when the younger man walks back to me with a smile. We start to walk away again. "I got fed up with him and his stupid target." Namjoon shrugs before putting my hand in his.

We played a few games and rode a few rides. Now we were just walking for food now. We weren't holding hands anymore because he kept complaining on how his hand got tired and numb.

All of a sudden two girls came up to us. They seemed like the mean girls you would see in inAmerican high schools but the Korean version. I laugh at what I just thought.

"You guys look lonely." One of the girls with some pretty long nails said.

Namjoon shakes his head. "We're not lonely." The girls visibly pout.

"How about we get to know each other in pairs. I'll take you." One of them grabs my wrist and I slap her hand off.

"Thanks for the offer but Id rather not leave my boyfriend while we're on a date."


Next chapter will get freaky for y'all thirsty butts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you've waited long enough.

But you will just have to wait till either tonight or tomorrow.

But you will just have to wait till either tonight or tomorrow

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Somebody better fix the shit that's bout to go down.....plz we beg of you.

Don't drop him Joonie lmao

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