Who cares about being reckless

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I opened my eyes as I realized I was in love in pet, I looked around and not too far off sitting in a chair he was staring at me.

I now understand what you're friends mean by you don't care to risk your life for others.

Yeah I don't, if there's something worth fighting for why shouldn't I fight. If there's someone who can make a bigger difference than me than why should I stop them if anything I should help. They might not understand the crazy things I do, but you do James, you had something worth living for and you still do, but if you had to choose between the people around you or yourself who you would save, don't answer that. I've figured it out for my self already. By the way took your advice, I'm writing down my story, no idea what good it will do me, but hey maybe I can teach fairies not to be so reckless.

James chuckled at Frieda the girl truly didn't care about what others thought, she spoke her mind and did crazy things that put her life in risk, it's funny to think only yesterday this girl was risking her life to not tell the Wizards who the last fairy on earth is and I say funny because here she's sitting in front of me not even asking what happened. He finally looked her in the eyes and asked, aren't you at all curious what happened yesterday.

Curious, yes. But I was in good hands so I think it's not as crazy as it normally would be, but now that you asked can you pretty please with a cherry on top tell me what happened yesterday.

All you had to do was ask Frieda, but first tell me how you got caught by the Wizards in the first place.


Hey you don't have to tell I'm just saying you share your half I share mine.

Okay, okay. I was talking to the girl out there

Roxy, her name is Roxy.

Oh well, anyways I was just finished talking to Roxy and just about to come back inside when I realized  I no longer had my necklace, so I went back to get it I guess I was too busy looking for it to realized that Ogron was right behind me he had the upper hand with the element of surprise but I noticed Roxy in  alley if I could get away she'd be in danger, so I lost the battle purposely. Which should have given Roxy enough time to run away before they came back.

Remind me to never leave you alone or let you purposely lose a battle.

James I told you my side, what happened last night.


Come on Eric you can do this. Hi Frieda I'm really sorry about what I said yesterday not sure if you heard yet but I said something pretty terrible and I'm sorry I truly am it's just

Dude if you want to win her back there can't be but's, dude this is Frieda I'm sure the Winx haven't told her yet.

It's not the Winx who I'm worried about Riven, it's him.

Eric I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for all of this. But if you truly love Frieda then who is he to stop you. Look buddy for all we know this boy could've just been there because he was as worried as you were, but you're never going to understand Frieda's reply to this unless you try, here take your phone go on you know the number.

Sighing Eric took his phone from Riven's hand and dialed Frieda's number. Hi Frieda, please let me explain, Frieda I'm so sorry I never meant to say those things, I was just angered by seeing you in another mans arms. I know but Frieda I care about you that's why I did..... She hung up on me.

I'm sorry bro, I'm gonna say something you don't want to hear

And what's that Riven

Are you really going to stop trying here, keep trying you made Frieda fall for you once I'm sure you can do it again. Let Frieda cool down, then when the time seems right tell her you want to start over that you know you made a mistake but your ready to change. Show her you care express to her how much she means to you.

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