The bad choice

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Everyone turned to Roxy. James looked at the girl, millions of questions had filled his head but it made sense. What do we tell Frieda she'll think we're mental if we say that.

Yes but she believes that you're here isn't that enough to believe two of her brother can be running around this world as we speak Bloom asked.

For me it was easy because Frieda never met someone like me, but for Ogron it's different, he's her brother she's known him for how long exactly, a few years. She'll think he put us up to it to clear his name. Plus they look exactly alike and Frieda's never met the Ogron from my world, how would she be able to tell the difference even if we do tell her. Look James said, Frieda's been through a lot, the least we can do is not to add more to it. Now, let's get her back on her feet, shall we.

No one replied, no one dared to. Yet Flora couldn't help but break the silence, Frieda will figure out, she's smart, and when she finds out what do you want us to do. Frieda needs to know she's up against two Ogron's or else bad things can happen.

Just not now she has too much to worry about, James said softly. I don't want her going after him. Come on let's heal her. Linking hands with the fairies, James and the winx produced a strong healing spell. James saw Frieda's eye open, he asked if she was okay, yet when she didn't answer he got worried, he called her name again, yet this time her eyes glowed colorful. Frieda, James asked not sure what was happening.

There will be a time, where two of the same  people will walk in the same world. One will belong, the other was brought by accident. This person will change the fate of this world, because of him and the reason he  was brought, what was once will no longer be. It will be a hard task but from this day on the fate of this world rest in the hands of seven fairies. They will achieve things no fairy before has achieved.  This your destiny, any choice you make will impact the future, not just for you, but for the whole magic dimension. You have been warned. Frieda's eyes stopped glowing, she returned to herself, unaware of anything that had happened, you guys okay? It looks like you've seen a ghost, Frieda said trying to lighten the mood. Guys I promise I'm fine, he didn't do that much, but it was either me or...... That's not what's wrong, is it. Alright someone, spill, now!

Flora quietly said, apparently there's two Ogron's. And I think we just got our proof she said looking Frieda in the eye, do you remember anything other than Ogron coming here.

No, Frieda said looking back at her. But what do you mean by there's two Ogron's.

Well James thought, there goes me protecting her from it. Yet I can't protect her from everything, I need to accept that. Taking a deep breath James looked at Frieda and spoke, we are to believe that when I got sent here, so did someone else, Ogron from my world at least, he was brought here. And we have reasons to believe he's the reason you where attacked today, and the reason your wings are gone.

Frieda was infuriated. But how... wouldn't we see him, he must have been there when you showed up.

Frieda, don't you remember James said the first minute after I showed up your brothers showed up, what was the chance the Ogron there was the one from where I am.

I'm sorry Frieda screamed out, it just doesn't make sense! She said storming out of the warehouse, she didn't care where she was going, she just wanted it to make sense, or for things to be normal. She wondered what would have happened if she made a different decision when she was younger, maybe then her brothers wouldn't be so cruel. She didn't believe it, she didn't believe any of it.

Hello Ogron said looking at her grinning.

Get away from me you monster. Yet Frieda's powers failed her, they weren't working. What are you doing, even you can't do this. She said as she saw the scenery before her change yet her focus disappeared off of it when she heard her brothers voice.

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